CLEAN WATER : The Simple Thing We Can't Live Without


Clean water makes me healthy, and it brings satisfaction to my body. Along with that, water is very important for our body because it prevents dehydration.

When I think of clean water, I imagine a colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid that only improves my overall well-being.


I remember one time when I found myself in a situation where I had to choose between quenching my thirst and potentially risking my health. It was a very uncomfortable and uncertain situation, but I had to choose.

That night, I went with my mom to a church, where they held their night vigil in their living room. I was so thirsty and needed to drink water. Knowing that the church vigil was held in a house, I felt getting water to drink wasn't supposed to be difficult, so I walked up to one of the people that live there, hoping to get some water. Unfortunately, she told me that they ran out of their bags for water just before Vigil started, and that left me with two options.

I was left with the option of drinking any water I saw around or waiting till I got home. However, the second option wasn't one I was going to choose.

While I was feeling so thirsty, I kept looking around to see if I would find even a drop of water to drink until an idea struck my mind:. A small voice whispered in my mind: Just go to their toilet and quench your thirst with the water you see there.

Although I was hesitant at first, I later gave in to it. I went to their bathroom, and yes, I found a drum of water there. I knew well that the water wasn't drinkable, but what choice did I have when I was so thirsty?

When I got into the bathroom, I washed my hands clean first and after doing that, I dipped my fingers into the drum and allowed the water dripping from my fingers to go into my mouth. I kept doing that until I summoned the courage to take more and drink so that the thirst would be quenched.

Yes, I quenched my thirst after drinking that water, but I didn't derive satisfaction from it because one part of my mind kept telling me that I was drinking contaminated water.


From my story above, you would see that I mentioned not being satisfied even after I was able to quench my thirst. That highlights the importance of us not just having access to water but having access to clean and safe water that we can trust.

There are steps I take to treat water before drinking it, but to be honest, I don't do them all the time.

One of the steps I take to treat water is to boil it. I think that this method might be one of the most effective way to treat water. When water is boiled to the highest degree, there is zero chance of germs surviving in it unless the water is exposed to things that can contaminate it again.

Aside from boiling water, I remember my mom always getting WaterGuard, and she uses it to treat the water we drink at home. What she does when she gets the WaterGuard from the store she gets it from is pour it into the drum we preserve our water in.

I also know that there are certain machines designed to purify water and make it safe for drinking, but I think they are usually expensive.

Another option might be to buy and drink only bottled water from stores, but I still think it is an expensive lifestyle.


So, the best and most affordable way anyone can purify their water is to boil it, because it also kills germs and bacteria that might be in it.

Finally, access to clean and safe water is a basic human right and I feel governments and communities should prioritize providing clean water for all. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that individuals should also take responsibility for the kind of water they drink because we have a role to play when it comes to ensuring our own health and well-being.

Having said that, I will leave us with this question: What small steps can you take to ensure that you have access to clean and safe water?

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To quench our thirst we should not put our health into risk. I can understand your thirsty condition at that time but bathroom water is contaminated and it can harm your health. I love boiled water, it not only kills germs but also improves the quality of water as well. WaterGuard is a new thing for me. I shall love to learn about it.


Water is one of the basic needs of life, and It's essential to take in clean water to prevent sickness. You tried taking in water from the drums, that kind of thirst is not funny sometimes and cannot be helped


I also remember mum using water guard and even wrote about it as well, but I never really liked how the water tasted after, boiling remains the best and more affordable option.


Water is one of the reasons we are still alive because without water I don't know what will have happened to us. And it is important to take clean water because of our health.


Yeah, the importance of water cannot be over emphasized.


I once got dehydrated and the result was awful and i had to go hospital, they recommended me to do Ultra-sound and i was diagnosed with stone in my kidney. Drink more, live more.


It's a complicated situation, sometimes we need to drink water as it is, as thirst and dehydration are greater, but we should always prioritize quality drinking water, or in the worst case scenario, boil it to eliminate impurities.


Yes, I quenched my thirst after drinking that water, but I didn't derive satisfaction from it because one part of my mind kept telling me that I was drinking contaminated water.

This guilty feeling is real😅


Completely agree that access to clean potable water should be a fundamental human right.

In our place we get govt water but very limited. So bulk of our water comes from borewell for non drinking purpose. For drinking the govt water is supposed to be treated, but as we cannot take risk, and due to it being hard water, we use the reverse osmosis purifying filter. It is a necessity though in past with soft water we have used a simpler filter. Since the water has been filtered boiling water for drinking has reduced as a practice. When we don't have electricity to run the filter it is indeed back to boiling water.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


I can imagine that scenario of yours. Another person would go with the same option of drinking water from the bathroom when they are thirsty. Water is so important but we must be cautious of the water we drink because of our health.
Boiling water is one trusted way to enjoy clean and safe water apart from the expensive lifestyle of buying bottled water from stores.


Hmmm, when I read and got a point u had to quench the thirst using the water inside a drum in the bathroom, I felt you know what? Some people take unsafe water daily not only by circumstance and I wish to see that day when water issues wouldn't be a problem again
I mean it's part of the basic amenities we should enjoy but we aren't getting it here ijs naija
At least boiling is safe... we should embrace it



I seldomly say this that "we are what we drink"
The benefits of good and potable water cannot be overemphasized. Thanks for such a wonderful post.

