Embracing My Worth: A Mother's Journey ~ LOH #185

Being a mom to a 6-year-old has been quite an adventure and I must say that I have learned a lot and the journey has been an amazing one for me.


Thinking about it now, I am reminded of the period when I was in the third trimester of my pregnancy with my son. At that time, I had started getting most of the newborn items I knew I would need when he arrived.

I remember standing in front of the baby clothes dryer I bought. On it was a design of a woman holding her newborn baby, and while I was looking at it, I imagined how it would be when I finally got to hold my baby in my hands. The feeling is one I can't fully explain; only a few would understand.

As I reflect on my journey as a mom, the first thing that comes to mind about being a valuable and unique mom can be found in one of Celidion's song lyrics, the one that says, 'There is no other love like a mother's love for her child'. Do you agree?

A valuable and unique mom would do anything to ensure that her child was comfortable.

There is a saying I hear a lot from the elderly; I have always heard them say that growing up.


You might be wondering, What is it they say? Here it goes: A child who remembers to give his/her parent a portion of what they are eating, no matter how little they are, is a child who will always care for his/her parent.

While this may just be suspicious, it didn't leave my mind, and I was reminded again of how much my son cares for me as much as I care for him.

When I buy him edible things, even without me asking and knowing that he still wants them, he goes ahead to share them and give me a portion. Aside from that, there are other things he does that leave me in awe and make me smile.

There is no doubt that being a mom is amazing and the feeling can be compared to none, but I mustn't sugarcoat all about it. I must be honest with the fact that sometimes it gets so tough that I just want to stop being a mom for that period.

So, self-care is essential for me and I make sure not to rule that out of my life because it is what keeps me sane. What I do is turn to my music, rehearse songs on my learning list or practice playing my guitar.

In addition to being a mom, I am also passionate about music.


My coach posted something on his status saying that his classes are expensive and he feels that it is one of the reasons why singles don't want to take the class but the married ones are going for it and he wanted to know why.

Yeah, he said it humorously and one of his contacts humorously replied to his status, saying that she joined the class to be able to sing for her husband. She concluded the point by saying, 'It is a romance thing, and I found it funny.

For me, music has always been a part of me since I was born and as I grew older, my enthusiasm for it increased, and now all I have on my mind is to be a developed singer. I want to improve myself so that I can sound better than before whenever I sing. I keep getting the feeling that God will take me to places he has planned for me to be, and the least I can do is stay prepared because I know God is too organized to allow me to come into the world and wander aimlessly.

Above all, I love to sing and the least I can do for myself is to sing beautifully, because what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

Also, I believe that acknowledging my achievements, no matter how tiny they may be, is one way I stay motivated and continue pushing.

Honestly, there are several things I have learned about myself or, let me say, from parenting, ever since I had a son.

Since becoming a mom, I've learned to be more selfless by putting others' needs before my own and realizing that it brings me more joy than I expected. However, I won't lie about the fact that I sometimes get overwhelmed.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I just take a deep breath and tell myself that it's okay while letting go of perfection and focusing on the present moment.

Every day may not be Mother's Day, but every day is a chance to celebrate our worth and the incredible impact we have on our children's lives.


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Hi @jessicaossom very nice write up to express ‘A precious and unique mother would do anything to make sure her child was comfortable’ and although it is exhausting at times, it is great that you turn to what you are passionate about, music, singing is inspiring, thank you for sharing, a hug.


Thank you for sharing! Take care and have a lovely day!🤗💜


The passionate mother! I salute you o
As all of yna dey describe motherhood and fatherhood, una con dey make marriage dey hungry me hehe


Haha, you're right! They're making marriage look so appetizing.


'There is no other love like a mother's love for her child'. Do you agree?

I agree a hundred and one percent. A mother's love is priceless.


Awww, you are such an amazing mom and you are doing a really great job🥺❤️
