How to make flowers from origami paper for wall decoration

Hello everyone, good afternoon wherever you are, how are you this afternoon? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to share a tutorial on how to make flowers from origami paper for wall decorations. The materials we need to prepare are origami paper, cardboard, glue, scissors and pen. The colors are free, according to individual taste. Here I used orange and white origami paper. Four sheets of orange origami paper and one sheet of white origami paper.

The first step we have to do is take a piece of orange origami paper, then fold it in half.

After that, open the fold, then turn the paper and fold it again in half.

And the result is like this

Next, we fold the paper again, we fold it only up to the center line

Then we open the fold and fold it again like the picture I show

Now, after we make a small fold, don't open the fold again. We turn the paper over and fold it back to the end of the paper.

After the folding process is complete, the next step is to fold the paper in half and add glue to the middle. Now the folded paper looks like a fan.

Here we need to make two fans that we can combine to make it look big and attractive.

So, after completing the combination of the two fans, now we make the fan again in a smaller size. The steps for making it are the same as before, only to make this small fan we need to cut the origami paper into two parts. Here I made three small fans.

Now we make additional flowers in other shapes so that the flowers we make look even more attractive. The steps are very easy, take a piece of white origami paper and cut it into four parts.

Then we fold the 4x4 paper to form a triangle

Fold it back to form a small triangle

And fold it again to form a smaller triangle

Then draw a pattern like the example below

Then cut according to the pattern lines

Well, here are the results

Then we take orange origami paper and make it into a small circle, then stick it in the middle of the flower to make it look more attractive.

Now take cardboard, then cut it into a large fan flower shape. Then attach it to the back of the fan flower

Now we make the stem for the small fan flower.

Now let's attach the beautiful flower to the stem

And now let's enjoy what beautiful flowers we made


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que lindo te quedo!

how nice you got it!


A wonderful creative art. Made this creative wallmat by using amazing paper. Delights people with the beauty of home decor and walls.
