It's my Birthday!

Birthday Boy

Anddddddddd it's that day of the year that most people await of.

I don't know how or why but this year I don't have that birthday feeling.
Normally you organize a party or do something interesting.
But this year I did not want to do anything for my birthday.

My full focus is on work and the newborn.
I think being a parent now, changes my way of thinking and all.
I just went to the dentist with my wife and did some shopping after that.
When we came back at home, I went to play football. After all we lost the game 😕

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I'm posting some pictures of me through the years.
I found out that I don't have many pictures of myself.
This one is in my uniform when I go to film or do photography work.
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This is with my ray ban at work 🤣

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When Messi was at PSG, I just bought this shirt.
Now I don't know where I've put it 😂
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Another click at film work...

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It's me with the motion: Pres 4 Pres
Which means me for President 😂

Thanks for stopping at my post about my birthday...

With love,
Prasant Djewan
