[w102-E1] My weather: fog, clear skies and... ...pyromaniacs?


[w102-E1] My weather: fog, clear skies and... ...pyromaniacs?

Weather is a subject that I don't know very well where I live. I was born in another place, and many people have more experience in deciphering the weather. That's why I'll take them as a reference to talk to you about it. I recently took some pictures that back up what I think. Please join me.

In this part of the world there are not four seasons. As I understand it, some months of the year are characterized by rain and others by being drier and sunnier. So that is the reference I usually hear. The altitude also plays a role. Around here there are places at sea level, and others a thousand meters above sea level and higher. As I am in the second group I usually see colder months of the year.

I have seen that the cold months around here are December and January. Some months of February sneak into this group. Some even claim that the second month of the year is always the coldest. I think it is January. But well, thank goodness farmers don't depend on my knowledge to sow and cultivate, otherwise, all those farms would be in the doldrums. So it's strange to me that February is cold.

Well, just last week I went out to take a picture when I woke up at 6:00 a.m. because when I looked out the window it was all white with fog. You could barely see a few more houses and then everything went white. What was going on? It looks like it had dawned in a different place.

Still, during the day clear skies and high temperatures are prevailing. In this season many people take advantage of the holidays to go to the beach, and the weather favors them. I think this is something to look forward to during these weeks. What would be unusual? If the temperature gets too high and becomes unbearable. Then we would have to set the alarm bells ringing.

But one thing that is clear to me during these months is that some people tend to slash and burn large areas of land on purpose. What do you think? They say it is to plant crops, or because they can't afford to pay someone to clean it up, or simply because they have to do it to attract the rains. I don't know which version is more crazy. So one random day you wake up and there's a mountain on fire, with lots of ashes flying through the air and allergy sufferers in full discomfort. I think that in order to avoid destabilizing the climate, this habit should be avoided.

In the surroundings of the town the mountains are still green. I wish they could stay that way all year round, and that the arsonists do not appear. I am sure that there will come a time when we will no longer worry about these environmental damages, which negatively affect the climate. We will be more willing to take advantage of the available spaces and our actions will help us to better enjoy the different seasons that our home, planet earth, gives us.


Banner 2022.jpg

Images: Of my property, edited in GIMP and captured with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone.
Banner: Made by me in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site pfpmaker.com/
Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This place is very green, which is good because I believe that this contact with nature does us a lot of good. I've lived in a city since I was born and it's not often that I see a place this green, it's very beautiful and nowadays when I have an adventure like this in a place closer to nature I try to make the most of it.

This photo of the fog was perfect, in my opinion I would love to wake up early and have one like this here at home, an air of mystery and beauty in my opinion.



Yes, misty mornings are beautiful. Sometimes it even seems to stay in an area at mid-altitude in the mountains and looks very nice. Also, sometimes we are completely surrounded by it and there is a feeling like you describe. It has its charm. Regards @shiftrox


Wow, it must be an incredible feeling, a totally different environment. I can't deny that whenever I see fog I remember the game and the Silent Hill movies kkk, it's an automatic memory!


Climate is changing rapidly due to our own actions . Now any change in weather can be expected at anytime. The way we are burning out hydrocarbons is totally destroying climate cycle.

But but though fog is very dangerous in every aspects but still is enjoyable too. I like fog very much.
Foggy nights are mine favourite ones


Yes, fortunately there is not much automobile traffic around here, so we can enjoy the fog better. Some mornings are hard to get out of bed because of it. Greetings @ukrajpoot



Hahahahah 🤣,
I know very well of bush burning in dry season like this. It's usually the surest way to save money in clearing brushes....and also, people do it for gaming.

To crown it all, it draws rain too. During those days when I was at villa, whenever it time to burn the cleared and dried bush, the rain usually falls immediately after it🤣


I understand the burning of dry shrubs, but why burn acres of land and mountains when they are green and lush? I don't think it's the same thing. Thanks for sharing your memories. Regards @kingsleyy


In my environment, February is one of the hottest month here


Well, maybe what we have in common is that we still drink coffee or hot chocolate this month. Greetings @hive-world
