It's always the other way round.



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- Have you had an experience with an accountant before? How does it end?
  • The problem is not with accountant but what I am about to say relates to you and success. So take little time to read till the end and grab a bite of what I learnt today.

If you've had an experience with an accountant before, you will surely understand what I am about to say but if you've not had any experience, don't worry. It is a simple thing.

Accountant deals with numbers but they don't give professional advice based on the figure rather they communicate what the numbers are saying. That's why an accountant will advise you to invest in a company that has lower debt and liabilities compared to a company with huge profit but charged against debentures and other liabilities.

They are both numbers but an accountant advise based on what the numbers are communicating.

Same with an attorney, they don't judge based on what the terms are saying but they reason why the terms are there and what might be the implication of such terms.

A doctor will also give medications based on diagnosis test which might be series of numbers or figures.

In all these scenario, they are seeing the issue from different perspective.

Now if I may ask you,

How do you see money?

  • Do you see it as a something that is highly replaceable or a tool for financial breakthrough?

  • Are you seeing the paper you are spending as having value or as basis of creating value?

The way you see money will have an effect on your financial freedom and level of financial literacy.

If you keep seeing money as a value, you might as well see it as something that can be easily made but if you see it as a tool for wealth, you are already wealthy but it takes your mind and action to bring it into reality.

If you were sacked today, will you blame yourself or see it as a way to explore what has been hidden in you for years.

  • Do you always sees things the way others sees it or you give it your own perspective?

I also know that there are several principles guiding life which has been tested and proven to be truth at different point in time but if you are going to learn anything, know that great men are not literally those with higher grades but those that decides to go against the principles in bringing their ideal into reality.

This piece was inspired by the book tittle Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
  • What is your perspective about issues that happened to you?

Always keep it in mind that there is another way round the same issue before you take decision or take action.

If you can't attempt both ways, think about both way.


Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am

