The crazy woman on the third floor (En/Es)


Happy afternoon friends of Hive. I extend to you a warm greeting, accompanied by a genuine wish that you are well. In this opportunity I tell you a fictional story that contains real life facts and that highlights the consequences of society's ignorance. I hope you can read it and take advantage of it.

Feliz tarde amigos de Hive. Les extiendo un caluroso saludo, acompañado de un genuino deseo de que se encuentren bien. En esta oportunidad les relato una historia ficticia que contiene hechos de la vida real y que destaca las consecuencias de la ignorancia de la sociedad. Espero que puedan leerla y sacarle provecho.



Danna was stunned by the number of problems that accompanied her on a daily basis. They were everywhere in her house. If she went to the kitchen, there was a dwarf problem; if she went to her bedroom, there was a fat problem winking at her; and if she decided to stay in the living room, there was a malnourished but strong problem next to the couch.

Danna longed to get out of that problem-saturated house immediately, but she could not. At the door of her house stood a gentleman who had visited her years before and who had made her feel worse. Like an executioner, he was waiting for Danna to come out so that he could trick her with his mellifluous voice and his enigmatic philosophy.

Aturdida se encontraba Danna por la cantidad de problemas que la acompañaban a diario. Estaban en cualquier parte de su casa. Si pasaba a la cocina, allí estaba un problema enano; al pasar a su habitación veía un problema gordo que le guiñaba el ojo y si decidía quedarse en la sala, junto al sofá se encontraba el un problema desnutrido pero con fuerza.

Danna anhelaba salir de inmediato de aquella casa saturada de problemas, pero no podía. En la puerta de su casa se encontraba un caballero que la había visitado años atrás y que la había hecho sentir peor. Como un verdugo, aguardaba que Danna saliera para embaucarla con su meliflua voz y su enigmática filosofía.



Danna was in a big dilemma. If she left the house, she would have to be accompanied by that sturdy gentleman wherever she went. And if she decided to stay at home, she would have to attend to the tenants who had invaded her house. It was not the first time she felt in captivity, the first time she felt she was in a labyrinth with no way out, she chose to go with the gentleman who stayed day and night at the door of her house.

On that day, the handsome gentleman accompanied her to the supermarket, as soon as he felt Danna open the door of her house to go out, he took off his hat and extended his hand to help her down the stairs. Danna didn't know him, so she didn't even agree to say good morning. That big-eyed, bushy-browed gentleman accompanied Danna all the way down the stairs.

She didn't mention anything, only he talked. He kept telling Danna what her childhood had been like, reminding her of beautiful moments and then suddenly throwing a bucket of bad memories she had experienced as a child. Danna didn't want to listen to him, she asked him to stop, but the tormentor fed on Danna's tears and continued to bring her scenes from the past that disturbed her.

Danna se encontraba en una gran disyuntiva. Si salía de casa, debía ir acompañada por aquel robusto caballero a cualquier lugar a donde se dirigiera. Y si decidía quedarse en casa tendría que atender a los inquilinos que habían invadido su casa. No era la primera vez que se sentía en cautiverio, la primera ocasión en la que se sintió en un laberinto sin salida optó por irse con el caballero que permanecía día y noche en la puerta de su casa.

En aquel día, el apuesto caballero la acompañó al supemercardo, apenas sintió que Danna abría la puerta de su casa para salir, se quitó el sombrero y le extendió la mano para ayudarla a bajar las escaleras. Danna no lo conocía, así que no accedió siquiera a responderle los buenos días. Ese caballero de ojos grandes y cejas pobladas acompañó a Danna durante todo su recorrido.

Ella no mencionaba nada, solo él hablaba. Sin parar le decía a Danna como había sido su niñez, le recordaba momentos bonitos y de súbito le arrojaba un balde de malos recuerdos que había experimentado siendo solo una niña. Danna no quería seguir escuchándolo, le pedía que se detuviera, sin embargo, aquel verdugo se alimentaba de las lágrimas de Danna y continuaba sin parar trayéndole escenas del pasado que la perturbaban.



Danna arrived home devastated, quickly opened the door and went inside, while the gentleman stood in the doorway. Danna's house was the only place where she could not hear the voice of that monster that made her relive the worst moments of her life. However, inside the house the three problems of different builds were waiting for her. They spoke less than the executioner at the door, but they still hurt her. Danna preferred to listen to the tyrants who lived inside her house than to go out accompanied by that merciless gentleman.

When Danna's relatives noticed that she did not go out, they went to visit her and asked her what was wrong. She didn't say anything, she only asked them to buy her groceries at the market and to bring her the things she needed. While the visitor was at home, the dwarf, the fat one and the malnourished one would watch her from afar, telling her not to say anything about her existence. This is how Danna has lived for many years. No family member understood her, she did not mention anything she heard or saw, so some labeled her as asocial.

One day, Danna got tired of the uninvited tenants and threw them out the window, along with some chairs and the couch of the malnourished living problem. But even though she threw them from the third floor within minutes they were there again. Many times Danna did this and the neighbors were already calling her crazy. Although some tried to find out what was going on, Danna would not mention anything at all. She also asked them not to knock on her door, to leave her alone.

Danna llegó devastada a su casa, abrió rápidamente la puerta y entró, mientras el caballero se quedó en la entrada. La casa de Danna era el único lugar en donde ella no podía escuchar la voz de aquel monstruo que la hacía revivir los peores momentos de su vida. No obstante, dentro de la casa la esperaban los tres problemas de diferentes contexturas. Estos hablaban menos que el verdugo de la puerta, sin embargo, igual la lastimaban. Danna prefería escuchar a los tiranos que vivían dentro de su casa que salir con acompañada de aquel despiadado caballero.

Los familiares de Danna al notar que ella no salía, la iban a visitar y le preguntaban que le ocurría. Ella no decía nada, solo pedía que le compraran sus víveres en el mercado y le hicieran el favor de traerles las cosas que necesitaba. Mientras estaba la visita en casa; el enano, el gordo y el desnutrido la miraban de lejos haciéndole señas de que no dijera nada de su existencia. Así ha vivido Danna por muchos años. Ningún familiar la ha comprendido, ella no mencionaba nada de lo que escuchaba ni de lo que veía, así que algunos la catalogaron de asocial.

Un día, Danna se cansó de los inquilinos no invitados y los arrojó por la ventana, junto a algunas sillas y al sofá del desnutrido problema viviente. Pero aunque los lanzaba desde el tercer piso a los minutos estaban nuevamente allí. Muchas veces Danna hizo esto y los vecinos ya la tildaban de loca. Aunque algunos intentaron averiguar qué pasaba, Danna no mencionaba absolutamente nada. Además pidió que no le tocaran la puerta, que la dejaran en paz.



Four years ago, Danna had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but popular opinion outweighed the logical reasoning that the psychiatrist mentioned to her. At first she took her medication and did not see or hear these emotionally draining elements. However, everyone who heard about what she had and the treatment she was taking convinced her to get off those medications and that she was going to recover if she did her part. Unfortunately, Danna believed all the ignorance of those close to her and abandoned her treatment.

Little by little she got worse and today she cannot leave her house. She speaks incoherently and hardly anyone visits her anymore. Only her older sister, who is now an old woman, brings her ready-made food and leaves it at the door, because Danna does not want to see anyone. Submerged in the sludge of a troubled mind, she continues to live on the third floor of the Alel Building with her three problems, plus five others who have arrived and the executioner at the door. She is known in the neighborhood as the madwoman of the third floor and the generations that have grown up have invented many myths about her, so much so, that if a child does not want to be obedient they threaten to take him to the dreaded third floor.

Cuatro años atrás, Danna había sido diagnosticada con esquizofrenia, pero la opinión popular pudo más que el razonamiento lógico que le mencionó el psiquiatra. Al principio ella se tomaba sus medicamentos y no veía ni escuchaba a estos elementos que la desgastan emocionalmente. Sin embargo, todos los que se enteraron de lo que ella tenía y del tratamiento que estaba tomando la convencieron de que dejara esos medicamentos y que se iba a recuperar si ponía de su parte. Lamentablemente, Danna creyó todo la ignorancia de las personas cercanas y abandonó su tratamiento.

Poco a poco fue empeorando y hoy en día no puede salir de su casa. Habla incoherencias y ya casi nadie la visita. Solo su hermana mayor que ya es una anciana le llevá la comida lista y se la deja en la puerta, porque Danna no quiere ver a nadie. Sumergida en los fangos que provocan una mente atribulada, continúa viviendo en el tercer piso del Edificio Alel con sus tres problemas, más otros cinco que llegaron y el verdugo en la puerta. Es conocida en el vecindario como la loca del tercer piso y las generaciones que han ido creciendo han inventado muchos mitos sobre ella, tanto así, que si un niño no quiere ser obediente lo amenazan con llevarlo al temible tercer piso.






Fictional stories that contain real life events are my favorite, we all at some point in life have felt captivated.


True, we have all at one time or another been victims of emotional captivity. The detail lies in understanding that when it is necessary to take a medication, we must do it. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of ignorance regarding mental illnesses.

Thank you very much for letting me know what you think about it.

Greetings 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
