After the war


Holaaa! querida comunidad, Espero se encuentren excelente y esten disfrutando de las grandes obras digitales que se suelen ver por aqui!, en especial esta que les traigo el dia de hoy, la cual me complace mucho traerles ya que ha sido para mi increible ver como iba tomando forma esta ilustracion.

After the war:

La idea de mi trabajo en esta ocasion era la de traer algo que mostrara a un dios justo despues de sufrir una fuerte herida que desgarra o desmiembra sus dos brazos. he pintado detras de el un portal, y los brillos de fondo son las grandes explosiones de la guerra que sacuden el universo entero, mientras algunos dioses como este que les presento se retiran de la misma guerra para intentar reponerse y continuar su camino hacia otro lado, o quizas de vuelta a la guerra.

Hiii! dear community, I hope you are excellent and are enjoying the great digital works that are usually seen here, especially this one that I bring you today, which I am very pleased to bring you because it has been for me incredible to see how this illustration was taking shape.

After the war:

The idea of my work this time was to bring something that would show a god just after suffering a strong wound that tears or dismembers his two arms. I have painted behind him a portal, and the background glows are the great explosions of war that shake the entire universe, while some gods like this one I present retreat from the same war to try to recover and continue their way to another side, or perhaps back to the war.

After the war.png

Proceso parte 1:

La base para este trabajo en parte es la figura humana, la cual se aprecia claramente en la imagen, pero los elementos que le iban a dar forma los fui añadiendo poco a poco. Como el rostro es algo caracteristico, queria darle en esta ocasion un poco de misticismo colocando un solo cuerno que estuviera alrededor de su cabeza, un solo ojo para darle esa apariencia de un ciclope.

dibuje tambien el brazo desgarrado para ir dando la sensación de que al personaje le habrian arrancado el brazo de una forma brutal en alguna batalla.

Process part 1:

The basis for this work is partly the human figure, which is clearly seen in the image, but the elements that were going to give it shape I added them little by little. As the face is something characteristic, I wanted to give it a little bit of mysticism this time by placing a single horn around his head, a single eye to give him the appearance of a cyclops.

I also drew the torn arm to give the sensation that the character's arm had been torn off in a brutal way in some battle.


Proceso parte 2:

Los colores en esta ocasion son sencillos. escala de grises y naranja. Estos colores juegan muy bien su papel y hacen una buena armonia entre ellos ya que permite darle relevancia a las caracteristicas mas llamativas del personaje, sin perder de vista todo lo que el tiene para mostrarnos.

tambien como han observado tiene 2 pares de brazos. la ilustracion nos puestra solo un par siendo desgarrado. un cuerno que esta entorno a su cabeza. varios tentaculos en su parte inferior que le ayudan tanto en su desplazamiento como a la hora de la batalla para poder defenderse y tener mayor oportunidad de contraatacar.

Process part 2:

The colors this time are simple. grayscale and orange. These colors play their role very well and make a good harmony between them since it allows to give relevance to the most striking features of the character, without losing sight of everything he has to show us.

also as you have observed he has 2 pairs of arms. the illustration shows us only one pair being torn. a horn that is around his head. several tentacles in his lower part that help him both in his displacement and at the time of the battle to be able to defend himself and to have greater opportunity to counterattack.


Proceso parte 3:

Penúltima parte del proceso. donde los degradados hacen su trabajo y le empiezan a dar vida a este hermoso personaje. vemos como ya tenemos una mirada fija hacia abajo, en señal de cansancio, dolor y derrota. pues aunque puede recuperarse porque es un dios. las derrotas duelen y al transmitirlas con algunos pequeños detalles pueden sentirse.

Process part 3:

Penultimate part of the process. where the degraded do their work and begin to give life to this beautiful character. we see how we already have a fixed look down, as a sign of fatigue, pain and defeat. because although he can recover because he is a god. defeats hurt and by transmitting them with some small details can be felt.


Proceso parte 4:

En la ultima etapa del proceso luego del desarrollo del personaje, me faltaba complementarlo con una ambientacion idonea la cual seria en un lugar remoto del universo donde habitan los dioses y donde diera la sensación de que esta saliendo de un lugar cuyo fondo sigue agitándose por la lucha que se libra en ese momento mientras nuestro personaje se aleja de la misma

Process part 4:

In the last stage of the process after the development of the character, I needed to complement it with a suitable environment which would be in a remote part of the universe where the gods live and where it would give the feeling that he is leaving a place whose background is still shaking by the struggle that is waged at that time while our character moves away from it.

After the war.png

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Ha sido un placer para mi compartir mi trabajo con ustedes y agradezco el tiempo que se han tomado para pasar por mi post. espero tengan un feliz dia y que lo pasen de lo mejor

You can find the rest of my galleries

It has been a pleasure for me to share my work with you and I appreciate the time you have taken to go through my post. I hope you have a happy day and have a great time.



I love the way you made the orange glow like lava. The background is awesome too. Great work and interesting concepts!


Thanks! I'm glad you liked the concept, that orange color is wonderful along with the environment gives a lot of essence to this work. 😊
