Benefits of Grapefruit (Citrus Grandis / Citrus Maxima) For Natural Medicine


Friends of Nature Medical, tonight I want to share a post about grapefruit, this time the citrus fruit that I met is different from the others, this grapefruit is Super Jumbo in size. maybe this orange was the first time I saw the size of an orange this big.

Apart from the unusual size that I have encountered, this fruit, like most other oranges, is a fruit that is widely consumed by Indonesians. we can find this fruit is sold in many markets.


Grapefruit which has the Latin name (Citrus Grandis / Citrus Maxima) is the largest type of citrus. There are so many benefits that we can get from consuming this fruit with a grainy flesh structure.

the benefits of this grapefruit fruit include maintaining heart health, maintaining brain health, reducing cancer risk, healthy digestion and kidneys and the last is maintaining immunity.



besides that, grapefruit also contains lots of vitamin C, fiber, B vitamins, protein, sugar, carbohydrates, minerals and antioxidants.

It turns out that there are quite a lot of benefits from this grapefruit, friends, seeing the content of this grapefruit, of course, it is very suitable for us to consume at night in the fasting month.

Thank you friends who have stopped by and seen and read this post.

Best regards by: @abughaisan83
