Learned from poverty


Sometimes night comes after day and night comes just like sadness comes with happiness and it is not possible for everyone to maintain the time of sadness because at that time the mind is not fixed when to do or what to do or the ability to take the right decision is inside us. No, you have to keep your mind very strong in times of trouble

Hello friends, how are you all, I am here with another new blog, the main topic of my today's blog is to maintain yourself in times of sadness.

Sadness comes in every human's life just like there is tide in the river, so also in human's life all sorrows, joys and pains come and these times remain memories in human life because sad days and happy days are never forgotten from the mind and those who remember these days. Only they can move forward in life or make progress.

I have been through a very difficult situation in my life. I always say that I am a child of a poor family. Our family had a financial crisis. Through this difficult situation, our family was able to move forward. Thanks to God's grace and our hard work, we have come to a good position today. .

Always tried to act righteously and faithfully never felt helpless but relatives felt that if we talk to them now or they can ask for financial support it made sense to everyone but God was with us and to do his own work. Never hesitated to do whatever it was.

When I remember the words of that ambassador day, I feel very bad that at that time no relatives and neighbors came to help us but now many people extend their hand of help and come to establish good relations but I am little like myself. I try to help people.

I will suggest to all my friends that when you are financially weak many people may think that if I do any small work then my dignity will be lost but it is your wrong idea no small work is ever or any work you do if you If you work hard, you will definitely see the face of self-reliance.

And you will know those people who are your well wishers.

Everyone stay well, stay healthy, pray for me, thank you all for being with me.
