AskLeo - What's The Next Trend in Crypto?


The year of 2017 has been the year of ICOs. That translating to tons of promises to little to no delivery at all from the crypto projects that were taking in loads of cash from investors at that time. I have not participated to any ICO, but I sure remember the trend.

2021 has definitely been the year of NFTs. We have bored ape yacht club, Splinterlands and Axie Infinity which are projects dealing with NFTs. While most of the NFTs are definitely a fad, the tech sure is here to stay.

Crypto feels so old, but at the same time we have just scratched the surface with its progress. I bet that just a decade from now we'll a totally different landscape for blockchain technology than what we currently have. I don't think Bitcoin is going anywhere, though.


What's The Next Trend in Crypto?

I believe that "the tokenization of everything" shall be the next trend. We are already seeing all sort of mundane activities such as driving for example that is getting tokenized in the "drive to earn trend" that has just been launched and my take is that similar related activities shall follow suit.

We already have crypto games and plenty to come, Ragnarok included. We already have move to earn apps such as Actifit and Stepn and many others will follow, but as said earlier in the post, we have just scratched the surface in this regard.

Project blank that @khaleelkazi has teased us with for such a long time shall become a reality at some point and that thing will be a sort of a tokenized twitter/instagram. Meaning that we will be able to tokenize thoughts, moments and feelings through a simple blockchain based app.

Long story short, actifit is a trend starter and same goes for Splinterlands. What do you think shall be the next trend in crypto, by the way and how do you plan on getting involved with it?

Thanks for attention,

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5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.


I am already part of the actifit and splinterlands crowd. So I am just waiting for Blank to come out but I keep thinking that it will be delayed because everything else isn't done yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Don’t forget the tokenization of #BEER. This has been a key turning point int the crypto community!

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Though tokenization might be the new but it's ability to eliminate Bitcoin is slim. Already, everyone would to love to be a part of this new trend if actually it is actualized

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The possibilities crypto hold in the future are endless. Just like you have said, we have barely scratched the surface.

The concept of tokenizing anything may seem absurd at first but that's truly is the future we are heading towards.

I have just learner a few more things tonight from this post.

Thanks for sharing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was participating in one ICO which turned out to be a scam. Although the Idea was good and I would have loved to see it evolve. You can check out the Storiqua coin. I still hold them in my hardware wallet...
Possible next trend:
eat to earn, smoke weed to earn, rate food to earn, cook to earn,
and probably the least popular one: work to earn...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Tokenizing something means making it more accessible to public, a society made of free to get information with less restrictions.

Right now NFT boom is overwhelmingly taking grasp of the crypto markets, with that said gaming and DeFi projects are also evolving, such DeFi 2.0 experiments is one evident here with PolyCub.

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