Bukele is a Hero and a Bitcoiner in The True Sense of The Word


Naiyb Bukele is the kind of character I would like to see on more political stages of the world. He reminds me of JFK, a man who was dedicated to the nation that elected him to lead it and who was annihilated by the elites who actually rule from the shadows not only in the US but in many other countries. I hope Bukele does not meet the same fate as Kenedy.

This man is the president of El Salvador as of 2019 and is currently one of the few presidents who currently has an approval rating from the citizens of over 90%. How Bukele managed to win not only the votes of his citizens but also their trust for the future is very simple.

Before Naiyb became president El Salvador was a country known worldwide for its high crime rate. Basically, gangs and criminal groups ruled that country, and ordinary citizens lived in continuous fear under the terror induced by these members.

In 2019, shortly after taking the seat of the presidency of the country, Naiyb Bukele started using the military to get hold of almost all the members of the gangs and criminal groups that were virtually running the country. He filled the prisons with such criminals and cleaned El Salvador of parasites.

image source

What's more, he recently put the prisoners to work, having them destroy the graves of former gang members who had the initials and names of the gangs they belonged to engraved on their graves.

He made an example of the Nazis when he was accused of not respecting human rights by what he did in relation to these crooks. In Germany, the wearing of the swastika is forbidden, and this decision to destroy all traces of Nazism in Germany, enforced soon after the second world war, still stands today.

When you want to destroy something evil, you have to basically uproot that evil and erase any trace of it that might encourage others to follow that evil.

Naiyb Bukele and Bitcoin...

Personally, I first heard of this president and his country shortly after he announced that he would make Bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador, which happened in the fall of 2021, and since then El Salvador has been known as the "Bitcoin country" and Bukele as the "Bitcoin president".

Naiyb went further and not only gave the chance to the unbanked to be able to transfer wealth internationally via Bitcoin, moreover, in El Salvador, you can pay your taxes with Bitcoin, but you can also open a business that accepts Bitcoin as a currency, and this has only encouraged more tourists to visit the country and participate in the financial development of the country.

As one of the safest countries in the world today with a zero crime rate it is clear that El Salvador will benefit from tourism even more than before. Naiyb has seen both the country's weaknesses and its potential, and he clearly knows how to leverage it. El Salvador is probably the only country in the world that has Bitcoin in its national treasury. It's true that Bukele "caught a few falling knives" while building up such a treasury, but he's in it for the long run.

The IMF of course was against Bukele's decision to make Bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador. The IMF has no interest in any country in the world becoming sovereign and not dependent on the traditional international monetary system. The IMF is a pure example of how centralization is a plague, at the same way pushing Bitcoin under the spotlight as a panacea.

To me Bukele is a hero, he is a Bitcoiner in the true sense of the word.

Instead of waiting for approvals and confirmations from the elites he simply went to work and implemented in El Salvador the basic principles for which we value Bitcoin. It is clear that this man is not a servant of the elite. He has never stepped back from expressing his point of view and his facts are his words. I would like to see many more world leaders follow his example and bring modern society out of the suffocating slant that the world elites have brought it into.

Bukele deserves a statue and all the laurels in the world and every country should have a president like him.

Thanks for your attention,


I love leaders that are innovative in thinking and also willing to make things get better for those he or she is leading.


This post may not age well.

Bukele is a very popular dictator and the chance that he steps down should he become unpopular is pretty low. He does not respect due process or any kinds of checks and balances within government. Thus far he's been able to get away with his actions because the ends have justified the means within a state of emergency. I assume this will not always be the case.

"Never meet your heroes," as they say.
Real people can't compete with the ideals in our minds.

The truly fascinating thing about this case-study is the fact that El Salvador has no national currency. There is no conflict of interest getting in the way of their crypto adoption. It's going to be wild to see the effects of crypto unhindered by central banking political interests.

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The citizens are pleased with him. I guess they prefer the lives they currently have under his dictatorship instead of the past regime and the gangs theorizing them.


The people most qualified to judge Bukele aren't his cheerleaders nor his critics from abroad. At the end of the day it all comes to Salvadoreans. At this stage, most of them seem to be happy with his policies and his crackdown on gangs is more popular than adoption of Bitcoin. Not unsurprisingly, because unlike Bitcoinisation that would take years to bear fruit and is often beset by price volatility, taking out gangs have bore immediate and more palpable results in terms of public safety.

Most Salvadoreans are more than willing to sacrifice freedoms - something that is quite abstract and seems unattainable to ordinary people - for something concrete like not having to worry about being randomly killed, raped or robbed. In that regard, they aren't so different from citizens in many seemingly enlightened, prosperous and progressive countries that took the exactly the same calculation during certain pandemic.

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Since 2000, El Salvador has been using USD as its currency. Paper money will be US paper money, but coins will be minted with national designs and set to American weights and measures.

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I've heard that the crime rate has been reduced a lot but I don't think El Salvador is the safest country in the world yet!


Recently a 40,000-person maximum security prison was opened in El Salvador to contain imprisoned gang members. There are even videos of this prison, and they were recorded by Bukele himself.

Once the nation is safe enough, then we'll see how much of a dictator he is. If a people are going to live under a dictator, he (or she) should at least ensure the safety of the people (unlike in areas such as New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Washington, DC where the clown shows result in high crime rates).

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Buena exposicion aunque no me gusta la politica creo que este joven se ha venido ganando a la gente haciendo algo positivo para su pueblo, el presente es hoy, el futuro se va resolviendo de acuerdo a las necesidades.


In 2019, NYC was still safe among the big cities of the world, and El Salvador was one of the deadliest nations in the world when it comes to the annual murder rate.

It's 2023, and the roles have reversed for NYC and El Salvador. El Salvador got Nayib Bukele, and NYC got people like Bukele's predecessors. You know the rest.

Bitcoin is permissionless cryptocurrency. The only permission El Salvador Bukele needed to execute his Bitcoin plan was legislation which needed to be signed into law, and that happened. Bitcoin itself may be a mixed bag to the people of El Salvador, but overall it has been net positive. Paying down debts helped, too.

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Everything spins in cycles and empires rise and fall. America is an empire that is in a high risk of falling.


What you say is true. It doesn't matter what the spokespeople of USG say-- actual spokespeople, elected officials, high-ranking executive branch personnel, and toadies in the corporate media; what matters is how USG acts.

As the ruling hegemon in the world, its days are numbered. Ultimately it will fall because USD will crash. Much of what it does in the world is due to the strength of USD. When USD crashes and reaches parity with the Zimbabwe Dollar of the 2000s, that will begin a cascade of events international and domestic which will lead to the downfall of the government as we know it today.

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