"The Society Doesn't Want You To Be Smart"


A couple of years ago, if I remember correctly, Elon Musk was saying that "AI is dangerous" and that we should be careful about it, and now he just launched the AI robot named Optimus. Optimus has a human form and by using artificial intelligence and a human-like body, will probably make for a good coffee machine :).

The robots era doesn't stop here, we're just getting started... I can't say whether we will find ourselves in a few decades living in a world that would look like as if it was depicted from some Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, but I'm not excited about bots at all. I'm particularly not a fan of automation either, I will have to admit that.

Society doesn't want you to be smart. These words came out of Osho's mouth a few decades ago, and although I do consider Osho to be a fake guru and a quite malicious influence, I will have to agree with him on this one.

The dumbing process of our society started a long way ago. As a matter of fact, no leader ever has done any sacrifice or effort in trying to push the people towards becoming more intelligent, knowledgeable, and independent(except Gandhi probably). Society not only does not want us to be smart, but the goal is to be as reliant as possible on society as well.

image source

It all starts in school, if not kindergarten... When pupils start learning all sorts of crap that will never be of any use throughout their entire lifetime. Aside from learning how to read, and write, and the basic math I got from school, 99% of what I was taught in 15 years of school has served me for nothing.

Why does one have to learn so complicated mathematical formulas or what a mitochondria is and how it works? Instead of pouring such nonsense into the children's heads, it would have benefited us more if we would have been educated on stuff that matters from early ages and kids should rather be pushed to search for what knowledge fits them instead of beings served with what the system chooses.

One could become a coder at 14 years old and some other individual can become a successful trader at the age of 16, that's highly possible, but as mentioned in the introduction, they don't want us to be smart, they need us to just work, obey and pay taxes. Soon they won't need us for any of these either and that's when shit will really hit the fan.

If you have any doubt that there's no conscious and coordinated push in keeping society at a low level of consciousness and intelligence stimulation just look at the apps people, mostly teenagers are using. TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Tinder, Netflix, etc.

All they do all day is watch dumb shit on the internet, waste valuable time looking at other people's lives and consume, cuz advertising is still a thing and highly present in such apps. Music, especially trap music is a hell of a tool for holding youth at a low intelligence level.

Let's get back to Elon, shall we... He just "presented Optimus" and as I said in the introduction, we're just getting started with robots. Most of the manufacturing processes will be fully automated in probably less than two decades from now and what do you think humans will do? Will they be given free money so they can travel and enjoy life?

I don't think so... UBI may probably become a reality but that shit will only provide for the basic needs one has and UBI will probably also come in the form of some CBDC having an expiry date, thus I'm not expecting much good from these robots taking over us. What about crypto? Yes, crypto is a good alternative, but is it going to be available and easily accessible to all the noobs out there wasting time on TikTok right now?

I doubt that...

Thanks for your attention,

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I don't know where we are going in the advance of robots and automation. I believe is a good time to learn basic skills that will enhance your streams of income.


I just noticed this years after I finished my degree. LOL. In connection to robot/AI movies, I think the term was; I became self-aware. 😁


Very intriguing post.
Yes the populous is being feed entertainment, on tik tok and boobtube, which numbs their brains and makee them complacent.
We are being entertained, as the Romans entertained their people wth gladiators.
We sacrifice our children on the alter of american football, where head injuries, neck injuries, shoulder and knee injuries cripple minds and bodies.
But at least we are not barbarians like the romans right?

I agree our education system creates workers, not thinkers, which is why it cultivates getting to school on time, paying attention, regurgitating instructions and moving on at the next bell. Pavlovian by design.

Crypto learning curve is so steep, most fall off into a broke financial abyss before making a profit.

Mass adoption of crypto and the blockchain? not right now, not right here, maybe on the fringes where NFTs play. Crypto is to complicated for most, and teachers are rareindeed

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