I'm here for the long haul - Spa & Eng


Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

Hace siete días compartí con ustedes un mini-reporte acerca de mis primeras dos semanas en la Blockchain de Hive. Si tienen interés por leerlo aquí les dejo el enlace del mismo. Mis primeras dos semanas en Hive. Los últimos siete días han estado llenos de aprendizajes y oportunidades para atreverme a afrontar nuevos retos. Precisamente quiero hablarles de un reto que asumí recientemente y hos lo he logrado. A partir de hoy soy oficialmene un Minnow en HIVE.

Seven days ago I shared with you a mini-report about my first two weeks on the HIVE Blockchain. If you are interested in reading it I leave the link to it here. My First Two Weeks on Hive. Since then, the last seven days have been full of learning and opportunities to dare to face new challenges. Precisely I want to talk to you about a challenge that I recently took on and have achieved. As of today I am officially a Minnow in HIVE.

Gracias a Dios las primeras dos semanas en HIVE fueron muy exitosas en cuestión de aprendizaje, contactos, buenas reacciones a mis publicaciones y modestas ganancias. Sin embargo la semana pasada fue una semana contrastante ya que en comparación a las primeras dos fue lenta. Eso me causo confusión puesto que desde mi punto de vista yo continuaba produciendo regularmente contenido de calidad y me mantenía bastante activo en la comunidad.

Thank God, the first two weeks on HIVE were very successful in terms of learning, new contacts, good reactions to my posts, and modest earnings. However last week was a contrasting week since compared to the first two it was a little slow. That confused me since from my point of view I continued to regularly produce quality content and was quite active in the community.

Fue así que decidí contactar en Discord a gente de mucha experiencia y que me han apoyado desde el primer día. El consenso que todo esto me dejo fue que es importante no perder de vista las metas a largo plazo. Como todo en la vida en el camino habrá altibajos, derrotas y victorias, y en ocasiones parecerá que no avanzamos. Estos días me han recordado que lo importante es ser autentico, disciplinado, resiliente y un jugador de equipo. Por lo tanto reafirme continuar dándolo lo mejor de mi sin pensar en la recompensa inmediata. Me enfocaré en ser creativo y exigente con el contenido que yo produzca. Buscaré gente afín de quien yo pueda aprender y disfrutar también de su contenido. Procuraré ser una persona que apoya a los que van comenzando de la misma forma en que otros me han apoyado a mi. Esto sólo es la primera parte de mi reto personal. A continuación les cuento la segunda parte.

That's how I decided to contact people with a lot of experience on Discord who have supported me from day one. The consensus that I gather was that it is important not to lose sight of long-term goals. Like everything in life, on the road, there will be ups and downs, defeats and victories, and sometimes it will seem that we are not moving forward. These days have reminded me that the important thing is to be authentic, disciplined, resilient, and a team player. Therefore, I reaffirmed to continue giving my best without thinking about the immediate reward. I will focus on being creative and demanding with the content that I produce. I will look for like-minded people from whom I can learn and also enjoy their content. I will try to be a person who supports those who are starting in the same way that others have supported me. This is only the first part of my personal challenge. Now I tell you the second part.

Pensar a largo plazo implican tomar riesgos. Como todos ya sabemos los mercados financiero y de criptomonedas parecen actualmente una montaña rusa. Muchas personas han perdido todas sus inversiones y otros tantos están sudando frio esperando que la situación se estabilice. Yo no tengo mucho dinero, pero calculé mis riesgos y decidí aprovechar el DIP. Cambié las pocas Criptomonedas que por ahí tenía acumuladas a cambio de HIVE, compré otros cuantos y de esa forma Power Up mi cuenta para alcanzar el nivel de Minnow. Esto es para mi más que un simbolo de un logro. Lo hice porque a pesar de los altibajos quiero comprometerme a continuar en HIVE a largo plazo. El dinero y las reacciones a mi contenido son bienvenidos, pero no es lo que me motiva principalmente. Mi intención en HIVE es añadir algo de valor a aquellos que consumen mi contenido. Las recompensas financieras vendrán por su propia cuenta. ¿Existen riesgos? Si, pero puesto que la jornada hacía a la meta es valiosa, estoy dispuesto a pagar el precio.

Thinking long term involves taking risks. As we all know, currently the financial and cryptocurrency markets seem like a roller coaster. Many people have lost all their investments and many others are in a cold sweat waiting for the situation to stabilize. I don't have a lot of money, but I calculated my risks and decided to take advantage of the DIP. I exchanged the few extra Cryptocurrencies that I had accumulated in exchange for HIVE, I bought a few others, and with that, I Powered Up my account to reach the Minnow level. This is for me more than a symbol of achievement. I did it because despite the ups and downs I want to commit to staying on HIVE for the long haul. Money and reactions to my content are welcome, but it's not what drives me primarily. My intention at HIVE is to add some value to those who consume my content. The financial rewards will come of their own accord. Are there risks? Yes, but since the journey to the finish line is valuable, I am willing to pay the price.

¡Gracias a todos aquellos que con sus Delegaciones iniciales, Votos, Comentarios, enseñanzas y paciencia ha contribuido para que yo haya tomado este importante paso!

Thank you to all those who with their initial Delegations, Votes, Comments, teachings, and patience have contributed so that I have taken this important step!


Congratulations @acgalarza! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!


Hola @acgalarza gracias por compartir tu experiencia en HIVE, también soy de reciente ingreso así que estuve investigando sobre cómo funcionaba y cómo generar ingresos. Las respuestas fueron similares a las que comentas, esto es a largo plazo y hay que entregar valor.
Tomé la decisión de parar unos días para reorganizar las ideas y darme el tiempo necesario para crear contenido de valor... además de que creo que tendré que crear una cuenta de Discord.



¡Buenos días, @vaitengewon! Por cierto, somos paisanos. 😃👍

Si, definitivamente - como muchas cosas en la vida - hay que pensar a largo plazo. Como menciono en mi artículo para mi generar ingresos no es mi principal motivación. Añadir valor es lo importante.

¿Tienes ideas de lo que tu puedes ofrecer? Estuve leyendo tu Post de presentación y por ahí mencionaste un par de cosas? Yo soy nuevo en Hive, pero tengo años publicando vídeos, podcast y artículos escritos.

En relación a Discord - si, te lo recomiendo. Yo estoy activo ahi desde el principio y es lo mejor que pude haber hecho. Te recomiendo este servidor: https://discord.gg/XZGPGpz Ellos son estupendos, muy serviciales y siempre dispuestos a ayudar a principiantes. Es en inglés - no sé si lo domines -, pero se puede usar el bot de traducción, el cual funciona de maravilla.

En fin, si en algo te puedo ayudar, ¡quedo a tus ordenes! 😃


Hola @acgalarza gracias por las recomendaciones, pronto sacaré mi perfil de discord y seguro que sigo al servidor que mencionas.

Sí, tengo claro el contenido que estará compartiendo, la periodicidad y los formatos de los post.

Gracias por tu apoyo y disculpa la tardanza en responder, estuve atendiendo asuntos de mayor importancia y no me di el tiempo de crear contenido, ni siquiera de entrar a HIVE, pero pronto estaré de vuelta.



¡Buenos días, @vaitengewon! No te preocupes - yo sé que ha veces se atraviesan cosas más importantes. Yo mismo he estado muy ausente de Hive durante los últimos diez días.

Si te puedo ayudar en cualquier cosas avísame. Saludos.


Hola amigo, de pequeños logros se llega a la cima.

Que bueno que ya alcanzas te está primera meta en Hive, que creo que es llegar a los 500 HP?

Así es paso a paso y creando un buen contenido vamos a ir creciendo dentro de esta plataforma.

Muchos éxitos y bendiciones.


¡Buenos días, @leidimarc! Si, desde ayer soy oficialmente un Minnow. La meta no son exactamente 500HP sino que varia dependiendo del mercado. Por ejemplo el día de ayer eran 544HP.

Ahora lo importante es - como tú bien dices - seguir creciendo paso a paso y sobre todo crear contenido de valor.

¡Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos y bendiciones!



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
acgalarza tipped leidimarc (x1)
samsmith1971 tipped acgalarza (x1)
acgalarza tipped samsmith1971 (x1)
@coquicoin(2/5) tipped @acgalarza (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!


You made the right choice focusing more on engagement with the platform before the reward, that has been my way of getting good visibility on platforms.

I work on different platforms and it is hard tracking everything at the same time but giving quality engagement makes it easier for me to go around on every platform.


I'm mainly active in HIVE, but I still find it hard to track everything! Giving quality engagement it's hard work! 😄

But, yes, my two priorities are quality content and authentic engagement. I'm still learning!

I do appreciate you reading my post and commenting, @george-dee! How long have you been on the HIVE blockchain? #dreemport


This is so inspiring! A minnow?! Congratulations! And you are totally right about having long term goals in mind. When we do things for instant gratification, we loose focus and begin to see all that is wrong instead of what is right. This is a beautiful post to be honest.
I saw your post through Dreemport!


Definitely! Long-term goals are the way to go. Not easy, but the rewards last longer and we can enjoy them longer too. I want to focus on community and quality. Thank you, @deraaa for being part of my community and for your encouraging words! !LUV


Te felicito por el logro de ser un Minnow 🐟. Para mi Hive también es un proyecto a largo plazo, en el que creo. Te deseo mucho éxito y en mi opinión el camino a seguir es el buen contenido y también hacer buenas relaciones en la Blockchain, interactuar con otros usuarios y ser activo.
Te deseo mucha suerte, saludos :)

Viene hoy desde Dreemport


¡Buenos días @coquicoin! ¡Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos!

Definitivamente el camino correcto es contenido de calidad e interacciones autenticas con otros de mente afí en la Blockchain. Lo primero que hago cuando abro mi Ecency no es ver la cantidad de votos sino ver si alguien a enviado un comentario. Hoy tu fuiste la primera y me dio mucho gusto. Gracias por tu apoyo. Yo espero siempre ser reciproco. 🤗 !LUV



Un gusto leerte y sí, para mí también los comentarios son muy importantes.
Por cierto que si te apetece te invito a darte una vuelta por la comunidad de Silver Bloggers en la que soy moderadora.
Saludos y que tengas un buen día



¡Oh que bien! Ya sigo a la comunidad, pero nunca me he dado el tiempo de involucrarme realmente. ¿Se encuentran en Discord también?

Tú que conoces algo de mi contenido, ¿crees que sea apropiado para Silver Bloggers?

¡Que tengas un exitoso y bendecido día!


Tenemos un canal de Discord, aunque no hay tanta actividad como en Ecency, pero siempre hay alguien allí. Y algunos de los moderadores o administradores siempre responden. La idea de la comunidad es tener un espacio para los que tenemos más de 40 años ;) y somos más experimentados en la vida, jeje. Los temas que acepta la comunidad son los recuerdos, las experiencias de vida, las criptomonedas como medio para generar ingresos pasivos, hay quienes escriben blogs sobre su día a día. Y una vez al mes tenemos un concurso con un tema específico. Así que tal vez no todo tu contenido sea apropiado para publicar allí (el mio tampoco lo es) pero seguro que sí tienes algunos posts que son perfectos para SB.

Eres bienvenido cuando quieras echar un vistazo.


Suena muy bien. ¿Me podrías pasar el enlace de Discord, por fa? Me gustaría echarme una vuelta por ahí y saludar. Yo estoy más activo en The Terminal y DreemPort, pero siempre estoy abierto para descubrir nuevas comunidades. Soy muy nuevo, así es que todavía estoy en la fase de aventura.

¡Muchas por la información!


Upvoted on behalf of the VYB Curation Project


Thank you @samsmith1971! 🤗

I really need to know more about the Curation Project VYB. Where can I begin?


hi Armando, great to find your article in Dreemport again this evening! And this is another goodie😊

I love how you have committed wholeheartedly to Hive after just a few weeks on the platform. They say actions speak louder than words and powering up your account is one heck of a statement of intent ❣️ I can definitely feel the levels of engagement are on the up both in Dreemport and on Hive in general. It is wonderful to witness and as you so rightly say:

the important thing is to be authentic, disciplined, resilient, and a team player

You are always very active in the comment section, with genuine meaningful engagement and that is always welcomed and appreciated in Dreemport and on Hive.

I want to commit to staying on HIVE for the long haul. Money and reactions to my content are welcome, but it's not what drives me primarily. My intention at HIVE is to add some value to those who consume my content. The financial rewards will come of their own accord.

With this approach, you are sure to find your joy here.

And, I feel exactly the same way, my friend. I came to Hive to write and express myself AND I stayed for the community... and along the way I found a family in the Dreemport community too 💗

Social capital before financial capital every day of the week 💞💯%



Good morning, @samsmith1971!

..great to find your article in Dreemport again this evening! And this is another goodie

Thank you! Words of encouragement mean a lot to me! 😊

I love how you have committed wholeheartedly to Hive after just a few weeks on the platform. They say actions speak louder than words and powering up your account is one heck of a statement of intent

The first two weeks it was a bit overwhelming and intimidating. HIVE is still new to me, but after receiving so much support from all of you it was easier to make that decision. That's how I told myself - 100% or nothing. Investing to reach the Minnow was the logical step and a sign to myself that I mean business! 😊

And, I feel exactly the same way, my friend. I came to Hive to write and express myself AND I stayed for the community... and along the way I found a family in the Dreemport community too 💗

Absolutely! I've already mentioned it several times to others in the community, but I'm going to say it again. Every time I open Ecency I don't check how many people have given me a vote but how many people have commented. I really enjoy interacting with my readers.

Social capital before financial capital every day of the week 💞💯%

I love this quote from you! ⬆️



hehehe so proud of you, Mr. Minnow! hahaha

I love your viewpoint on this, and I love that you're sharing it with others. You remind me so much of @jacoalberts !! He has had the same kind of mentality as you from the start. You both impress me with your vision and determination and wonderful helpful spirit!!!

keep going and growing!!


I can't send GIFs as a reply but please imagine Elvis saying: "Thank you, thank you very much!" 😉

I do what I can. These first few weeks have been a real adventure for me. And it's just the beginning!

I didn't know who @jacoalberts was, but I just visit his page, I like what I saw. Follow ✅

Thank you for your support and encouragement! 😊



hehehe there you go :)


What??? How did you do that??

Very nice!!! 😃👍


hahaha don't you see the gif button ?
when i post to Hive - i used https://peakd.com

what front end do you use?



I use Ecency! I can't find any GIF button! 😫


ohhhhhhhhh you're right - i'm on ecency now.

i never knew they didn't have a gif option!!!!

well... when you are in the mood for gifs - jsut switch to peakd.com temporarily hahahahaha

(and yes - i said i'm going down the mountain, and i was supposed to - but then i got pulled into a dreemport issue first to resolve so i'm doing that and talking to you at the same time LOLOL) but thennnnnnnnnnnnn going very soon to enter civilization hehehe


Well, thank you for taking the time for me again! And just because I'm right now in PeakD....here you go!



Hahaha...I get the picture, GIF or no GIF!

Thank you to @dreemsteem for the introduction, it is nice to meet you.

I am glad you like what you saw, so thank you for the follow. I am looking forward to getting to know you better here on the blockchain!


Hahaha...I get the picture, GIF or no GIF!

😂 Correct!


I thank you too for the follow. I am also looking forward to getting to know you better here on the blockchain and to learn from you!


I also have a lot to learn...I think maybe it will be more a matter of learning together and from each other...

Apologies for the late reply. We had a power outage here and we were left without electricity for almost 2 days... Apparently, a transform that exploded or something...


I think maybe it will be more a matter of learning together and from each other...

Definitely doing things as a community is always better. Every one of us has different areas of expertise and experience. How long have you been active in the Blockchain?

Apologies for the late reply. We had a power outage here and we were left without electricity for almost 2 days... Apparently, a transform that exploded or something...

Oh wow! Two days without 🔌💡!? How did you manage? In regard to the late reply, don't worry at all. Thank you for remembering me and for commenting! Looking forward to staying in touch. 😊


I am here on the blockchain for two years now. I have to admit, during the first year I wasn't as active as I should have been, as I was still a bit skeptical as well as uncertain... It was during the last year that I started to take it more seriously and got more active.

Oh wow! Two days without 🔌💡!? How did you manage?

With difficulty and lots of frustration...lol. At first, I tried to catch up on everything which is offline and needed some attention. But you quickly get to the point where you can only do what you can do without electricity...and then you get stuck. That's when you learn how much you actually rely on (and need) electricity...

I am also looking forward to staying in touch!

Have a great day!


as I was still a bit skeptical as well as uncertain... It was during the last year that I started to take it more seriously and got more active.

I can understand the "skeptical" part. I feel still the same way about a lot of things. I need to go slow and learn before I start something.

At first, I tried to catch up on everything which is offline and needed some attention.

Smart! Sometimes this kind of situation helps to focus again on other important things around the house. Been there! 🙈

That's when you learn how much you actually rely on (and need) electricity...

Somehow a double edge swore, right? More pros than contras, but it's important to learn how to live without it, even for a week if necessary - if you know what I mean.

Have a great rest of the weekend!


Somehow a double edge swore, right? More pros than contras, but it's important to learn how to live without it, even for a week if necessary - if you know what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean and it is very true what you say! I fully agree with you. And it often gives confirmation of things that you need to pay attention to in order to be better prepared in the future...never take things for granted.

I feel still the same way about a lot of things. I need to go slow and learn before I start something.

It seems like we have quite a bit in common and like we might think and approach things in a similar way. I would love to have more communication with you. Let's see where this is going to take us.

You must also enjoy the rest of your weekend! And thank you for communicating with me in the way you do. I enjoy it and appreciate it!


Thank you for the mention, @dreemsteem! I'm glad I can get to know @acgalarza better and I would like to welcome him to our great community in Dreemport! I am looking forward to reading some great content from him!
