The Positive Power Of The Past - Life Talk


First of all, I want to thank all of you for your loyalty to my Podcast through this first stage. My sincere hope is that these talks add something of value to your lives. Please do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel ➡️ ACGalarza and leave me a 👍 - that's a great help to keep promoting Life Talk.

Primero que todo, quiero agradecer a todos ustedes por su lealtad a mi Podcast a través de esta primera etapa. Mi más sincero deseo es que estas conversaciones añadan algo de valor a sus vidas. Por favor, no olviden suscribirse a mi canal de YouTube ➡️ ACGalarza y dejarme un 👍 - eso es una gran ayuda para seguir promoviendo mis Charla de Vida.

Today Anna and I continue the conversation we started several weeks ago - Are You Conditioned? Our past is full of both good and bad experiences, but unfortunately, we often allow our bad experiences to negatively affect us for the rest of our lives. In this Life Talk, we want to encourage you to use any negative experiences you have had as an agent of positive change - to allow even life's stumbles to serve you to learn something new and grow toward a brighter horizon.

El día de hoy Anna y yo continuamos con la conversación que comenzamos hace varias semanas - Are You Conditioned? Nuestro pasado está lleno de experiencias buenas y malas, pero lamentablemente muchas veces permitimos que nuestras malas experiencias nos afecten negativamente por el resto de nuestras vidas. En esta Charla de Vida queremos animarlos a utilizar cualquier experiencia negativa que hayan tenido como un agente de cambio positivo - a que permitan que aun los tropiezos de la vida les sirvan para aprender algo nuevo y crecer hacia un horizonte más brillante.

As you watch this interview, please analyze it and think carefully about it. And as always, if you have questions, doubts, or something to add, please write them in the comments section. I love to read your opinions and in this way continue to enrich the conversation.

Al ver esta entrevista, por favor analícenla y reflexionen cuidadosamente al respecto. Y como siempre, si tienes preguntas, dudas o algo que añadir algo, por favor escríbanlas en la sección de comentarios. Me encanta leer sus opiniones y de esta forma seguir enriqueciendo la conversación.

The Coaches in the Thumbnail are Anna and I. The Image is used in this post with our permission. 😎

If you want to get in touch with Anna regarding her coaching services 👉 Anna Grantner's Linkedin

Anna's Email 👉 [email protected]

If you want to learn more about what I can do for you, use the form below to get in touch with me 👉 ACGalarza

If anyone wants me to tag you every time I post an episode of Life Talk, let me know in the comments section. Of course, you can be removed from the list at any time you want. 😊

Wenn jemand möchte, dass ich ihn jedes Mal in die Liste aufnehme, wenn ich eine Folge von Life Talk veröffentliche, dann lasst es mich im Kommentarbereich wissen. Natürlich könnt ihr mich jederzeit bitten, euch von der Liste zu streichen. 😊

@dreemsteem, @brittandjosie, @sekani, @deraaa, @marbrym, @stdd, @idksamad78699, @mypathtofire, @defluenced, @palomap3, @ijohnsen, @geelocks, @salicj, @samsmith1971, @jane1289, @amberkashif, @cescajove, @dayadam, @penderis

Music I used in my video 👉 Avocados on Hash Browns by baegel in EpidemicSound


Really great chat. What we do with how we deal with our past is an important subject. Love hearing your ideas and I can relate to thinking about wanting to do things differently and regrets.


As always, I'm glad our Podcast can be a positive influence in people's life. Thank you very much for the encouragement!

