RE: July 15, 22: Routine, Walking, Oculus, Pizza Trivia, TV, and Games


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Quite terrible voting csi, would be great if you'd spend some time spreading that stake around rather than just voting the same users constantly is all I'm saying. Doesn't take a lot to make Hive better than assuming others will do it for you. Simply spending some of that vp following a curation trail or delegating to a curation project would distribute stake wider.

but okay, hold a grudge instead and "plan on growing your stake bigger than mine" for future retaliation, that's mature.


I appreciate that you feel you do Hive better, and I’ll take your input under advisement.

It’s not a grudge, it’s a state. The game is: those with the power have the power. Your power lies in the threat of a downvote…I simply don’t want to have to be afraid any more.

I don’t think you’re aware (or care) what affect you have had on the last two days of my life…even now as you’re digging through my stats, but humans don’t matter, the rewards pool does, right?


I already told you I was coming off a bit too strong in the beginning after having investigated others consistently votetrading on garbage content, and got a bit triggered from your sarcastic tone when I'm here spending my time trying to make this platform better so I took that back. Yet here you start a new post about how you've been obsessing over what I said and being afraid of downvotes as if it's the end of the world.

Just consider spreading your votes around a bit as it really goes a long way for retention of users and growing the place.


Yes I don't care about people, that's why I spend literally every day the last 6 years curating manually so I can vote as many as possible to make their Hive experience better. Miss me with that shit.

Obviously I wasn't aware you'd be this sensitive over a few comments or in flight mode about a few possible downvotes. Relax and maybe try not to trade votes with a group who seem to maximize it to afford their dleases.
