Over 650 steem worth of Infowars Tokens sold on teh first day to help fund the Infowars Community Tribe and EOSIO TELOS Info Dapp for Censorship Resistant Journalism and Wikileaks Information Dissemination


Infowars Token for the NewsWars Tribe for globally censorship resistant social media.

10% of 1 Billion max supply is on sale in an ongoing ICO to raise 10,000 Steem for SCOTBOT and EOS-EX for Infowars News Dapp.

Help create a new Blockchain News Outlet to help humanity reach for the stars! We love our somalis, and resist all Goblin temptations.
See: Infowars Token
Circulating Supply
200000000 INFOWARS

Last Price
0.000 STEEMP / $0.000013 (about 3 hours ago)

659.417 STEEMP / $87.752945

And this is all within the first day!


I'll use elements of this new STEEMP on EOS logo, for the new INFOWARS on EOS STEEM and TELOS

I have spent 50 steemp on a new logo by a great Venezuelan Graphic artist because I feel we are worth it, and Id love to get him more if the token sale continues to allow me to afford Staking, SCOT,Nitrous, Delegation, and EOS-EX and eventually later on Telos_EX as soon as that is available. Only 5000 STEEM is needed for the bare minimum but 8000 will be needed eventually, and Im hoping to raise 10,000 steem for the initial startup costs, but we will be good to go for a tribe as soon we hit 3000 steem so we are over 1/6th of the way there! :)

Purchase INFOWARS tokens here

Come to the infowars blockchain discord today to get your 1 free INFOWARS token


Where do you buy these tokens?

Posted using Partiko Android



:) Here it is on Steem-Engine and if all goes to plan, newdex. But we will first need new logo, the white paper launch and a clear relationship with official infowars so people dont try to deplatform us, and understand we are just the infowars audience, regular patriotic Muricans, no racists, etc, ya dig? we will get around censorship and alex jones stigma. We hope to of course have Alex Jones maybe call in from time to time on my new Infowars Show but yeah its gonna be fun... my first guest can be @barbararedgate and i can become the new Breitbart but on Blockchain and less radical.

i can get Alex Jones all excited for this new young generation wanting to BREAK THE CONDITIONING of the FAANG facebook apple amazon netflix google conglopoly, and and make a FREE BLOCKCHAIN Liberty Minded Social Media, where you can have your work backed up on torrents, and the front end has many backups not just steem engine tribe but we will have more

we will change logo shortly thanks to a certain venezuelan graphic artist, who I want to clarify, never asked to join i just asked to use his services for this project, he was just doing logo stuff for steem, i wanted this stuff done, boom. I think it will turn out well and alex jones himself wouldnt be upset and wont tell us to cease or desist because hes made it clear anyone whose "cool' can use his infowars brand, as long as they are fightin the good fight lol and ive been a caller on infowars ive been involved ive been to his meetings in Santa Cruz , and met a lot of his people in Austin texas where hes a local celebrity lol Ice Poseidon is there in austin now. and i wanted to actually make something called Nice Poseidon where i walk around doing good deeds but still having fun lol

Anyway Ice Poseidon and his movement of livestreaming may be "toxic" but they are onto something and we can do livestreaming + Blockchain and not end up like dlive , no we can use steem engine tokens for streamlabs style TTS and media donations, streamers can have their own cryptocurrency anyway, alex jones infowars can have this new media dapp system for free speech or that's how we sell it, like a wikileaks dapp for infowars people to get rewarded to post and curate good infowars content, like the more you post like paul joseph watson the better :D

Alex will understand that it had to come from the community and I bet he will support us if we just use infowars on the tribe, and invite him to have an account etc But for the telos and eosio token we use INFO token as the name of the dapp so he knows we are using our own brand... but yeah we need to use this infowars brand on steem tribe and ill open delegation spots for his official infowars employees if he ever wants to come in, so i feel he will be ok with the project and if not its fine, we will develop a free speech dapp without him, maybe he wont understand but I believe he will... as Alex Jones DID after al, visit the steemit inc HQ as the late @adept told me and others over Dm on discord years ago in 2017 I believe :)
