Akiles y Greta #Caturday (ESP/ENG)


Como ha sido mi costumbre desde hace ya unos meses, los sábados suelo dedicar una publicación a los gatos, la razón es simple es #caturday y para todos los amantes de los gatos esa es la excusa perfecta para hablar de gatos, publicar fotos en redes sociales, presumir de ellos en nuestros estados y todo lo demás que senos pueda ocurrir, hoy mientras desayunaba me asome a la ventana con mi taza de café y vi un linda escena Akiles y Gretra dormían juntos, les tome varias fotografías que deseo compartir con ustedes mientras les cuento un poco de su historia.



Bienvenidos a mi blog.png

Los nombres de Akiles y Greta son ya conocidos para algunos de ustedes, son dos de los miembros de mi manada, Akiles ha pasado por varios problemas de salud, casi perdió la vista y luego de ello se descubrió que tenía Hemobartonela, por otro lado, hay que realizarle unos exámenes para descartar tenga Leucemia o SIDA felino, en cuanto a Greta es la niña traviesa de la casa, estuvo perdida 5 días y todos los días debo llamarla para que suba a casa y encerrarla en el cuarto para que no salga más hasta el dia siguiente, lo que no les he contado es que ambos son muy unidos.



Akiles es un año mayor que Greta, el llego a nosotros unos meses después de la muerte de Cristopher, pues su perdida nos afectó mucho a todos, sobre todo a Cristian que aunque no lo parecía estaba muy encariñado con el gato, así un día cuando fuimos a retirar un saco de alimento para gatos en casa e una amiga, este pequeño de inmediato tuvo una increíble conexión con mi hijo se le trepo por todos lados y el quedo enamorado, así después de unos días decidí adoptarlo, él siempre se ha caracterizado por ser sumamente activo y por chuparle la ropa a los miembros de la familia al treparse sobre alguien, la razón de ese comportamiento, es que fue despedido de su madre a muy temprana edad y tiene esa carencia.


Greta es otro tema, ella nació en el pasillo frente a mi casa , le di albergue a su madre cuando estaba en labor de parto, la metía en un kennel y allí nació junto a sus tres hermanos, se crio allí ente la puerta de mi casa y las áreas verdes, desde que la vi me pareció hermosa y aunque intente darla en adopción ninguna se concretó, así que me la quede.


Ahora bien, la amistad entre este par, comenzó cuando Greta y sus hermanos entraban a casa a jugar y a veces su madre los amantaba aquí, en casa, él quería estar con ellos y que Chispita (la ama de Greta) lo acicalara, nunca resulto, siempre terminaba golpeado, pero si lograba jugar con los tres bebes, daban careras, saltos y brincos y a veces también siendo bastante rudo con ellos ya que no media y todavía no mide la fuerza o presión de la mordida.



De la misma manera, al ir dando en adopción a los hermanos de Greta y quedar ella en casa el se hizo muy unido con ella y viceversa y como podrán notar les encanta estar juntos, juegan, duermen juntos, pelean se acicalan y Akiles como un buen hermano mayor, la defiende y también espanta a los gatos que vienen a jugar con ella, además de que se enfermó y puso muy triste durante esos días en los que ella estuvo desaparecida, maullaba mucho llamándola, era muy conmovedor.

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Finalmente, les puedo decir que entre los animales también existe el afecto, esa conexión que nos mantiene unidos a otros y que al faltarnos ese ser que s importante para nosotros nos puede afectar hasta el punto de enfermarnos, así me retiro esperando que disfruten observando estas hermosas fotos que les comparto con mucho cariño, un fuerte abrazo para todos, se les quiere.




As has been my habit for a few months now, on Saturdays I usually dedicate a post to cats, the reason is simple it's #caturday and for all cat lovers that is the perfect excuse to talk about cats, post pictures on social networks, brag about them in our statuses and everything else that can happen, today while having breakfast I looked out the window with my cup of coffee and saw a cute scene Akiles and Gretra were sleeping together, I took several pictures that I want to share with you while I tell you a little of their story.

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The names Akiles and Greta are already known to some of you, they are two of the members of my pack, Akiles has gone through several health problems, he almost lost his sight and after that it was discovered that he had Hemobartonella, on the other hand, we have to do some tests to rule out Leukemia or feline AIDS, As for Greta, she is the naughty girl of the house, she was lost for 5 days and every day I have to call her to come up to the house and lock her in the room so that she does not go out until the next day, what I have not told you is that both are very close.

Akiles is a year older than Greta, he came to us a few months after Cristopher's death, because his loss affected us all a lot, especially Cristian who although he didn't seem to be very fond of the cat, so one day when we went to pick up a bag of cat food at a friend's house, this little guy immediately had an incredible connection with the cat, This little guy immediately had an incredible connection with my son, he climbed all over him and he fell in love, so after a few days I decided to adopt him, he has always been characterized for being very active and for sucking the clothes of the family members when he climbed on someone, the reason for this behavior is that he was fired from his mother at a very early age and he has this deficiency.

Greta is another issue, she was born in the hallway in front of my house, I gave her mother shelter when she was in labor, I put her in a kennel and there she was born with her three siblings, she grew up there between the door of my house and the green areas, since I saw her I found her beautiful and although I tried to give her up for adoption none of them materialized, so I kept her.

Now, the friendship between this pair, began when Greta and her siblings came home to play and sometimes their mother would hold them here, at home, he wanted to be with them and that Chispita (Greta's mistress) would groom him, it never worked, he always ended up beaten, but if he managed to play with the three babies, they gave careras, jumps and jumps and sometimes also being quite rude with them since he does not measure the strength or pressure of the bite.

In the same way, when Greta's siblings were adopted and she stayed at home, he became very close to her and vice versa and as you can see they love to be together, they play, sleep together, fight, groom each other and Akiles as a good big brother, he defends her and also scares away the cats that come to play with her, besides he got sick and was very sad during those days when she was missing, he meowed a lot calling her, it was very touching.

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Finally, I can tell you that among animals there is also affection, that connection that keeps us united with others and that missing that being that is important to us can affect us to the point of getting sick, so I retire hoping you enjoy watching these beautiful pictures that I share with love, a big hug for all, you are loved.


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Click on the banner to get redirect to the server. Art made by @tripode


Art made by @oscarps

@aliento initiative by @eddiespino and @grisvisa





They are so cute 🤗🤗🤗


Yes they look very cute when they sleep together and I thought it was a moment worth capturing in photos, thank you for commenting on my post.


I love how sweet your two cat friends are together! We had an orange and a gray cat together some years ago, and they would always sleep together like that, too.



Your post was featured in this week's Caturday Compendium of Cat Content, curated by the Hive Cats Community! Thank you for sharing your wonderful cat-related content on Hive!


Thank you for your support, these two cats (Greta the grey and Akiles the orange), they are close, although sometimes Akiles is very annoying and torments Greta and she hides from him, but in general they love each other very much , they are two of my seven cats, again thank you for your support.
