Brasil Cofee Review (ENG/ SPA)



For coffee lovers, any day and time is ideal to have a cup, although some avoid drinking coffee after certain hours to ensure their sleep, among other things, but I am sure of one thing, although we have an inclination for certain brands of coffee, we always want to try some other to know its quality and at the same time have options in case at some point we do not have in front of us the brand of our preference.

When I have visited my friend Tomasina, she usually has Brazilian coffee in her pantry, she drinks very strong coffee, so I thought that the flavor was due to the large amount of coffee she added when preparing, in part it is so, I love guayoyo, she loves black coffee, but if I was curious, that is to say I wanted to experience first hand this coffee, but to my taste, but in the supermarket where I usually do my shopping I had not seen this brand, besides that I consulted another neighbor, who also shops there, I confirmed that coffee, toilet paper and many of the cleaning products are more expensive there, so you have to look for a place where you can get more economy for these products.


Now, a few days ago, we had a horrible experience with a coffee that I do not even want to mention the name, this coffee once used becomes a swamp, ie you can not reuse your waste to extract all the flavor that may remain and tastes like chocolate, so we desperately needed a coffee to our liking, my husband quickly left home and went to a relatively nearby store and came home precisely with the Brazil coffee and after trying it I come to share with you my experience.


I will start with its packaging, the truth is that the colors are not the most attractive or eye-catching, but the material is more resistant than others that after opening them are horribly destroyed, but in compensation when uncovering the smell of the powder invades you, so since there is profit there and as expected you immediately want to prepare coffee.


On the other hand, as far as its concentration is concerned it is ideal, it is not too soft nor too strong, in my opinion it is perfect that way since you do not have to add coffee in excess to achieve the desired flavor, well that in my case for those who like strong coffee is another matter, Well it is something that really varies according to the tastes of each person, but this coffee tastes like coffee not like those mixtures that have been invented now where the coffees taste like chocolate or what do I know, of course the tastes of each person are respected, but I drink coffee at home and if I want some combination I go to a coffee shop to request it.


The color of the coffee once strained is brown coffee, that is to say, the exact color, since I have found lately some coffees that once strained look like water with some coffee, dirty water or are chocolate colored and already there I begin to have a perception that its flavor will not be the best, but in this case this coffee is of great quality so if you see it in supermarkets or stores do not hesitate to buy it, it will not disappoint you.

Thank you for reading.png

In summary the Brasil coffee although it does not have the most attractive packaging, what it contains in its interior is ground coffee of excellent quality, its packaging reviews it as a gourmet coffee 100% Arabica, I have not felt it acidic, which for me would be fatal because I suffer from gastritis, its flavor is intense but just right and its smell is fabulous, in each cup you feel the flavor of the coffee, I highly recommend it and now my husband has the task of looking for it to have it at home always.


Para los amantes del café, cualquier día y hora es ideal para tomar una taza, aunque algunos evitan tomar café después de ciertas horas para garantizar su sueño, entre otras cosas, pero de algo estoy segura, aunque tenemos inclinación por ciertas marcas de café, siempre queremos probar alguna otra para conocer de su calidad y al mismo tiempo tener opciones por si en algún momento no tenemos delante de nosotros la marca de nuestra preferencia.

Cuando he visitado a mi amiga Tomasina, ella suele tener en su despensa café Brasil, ella toma el café muy fuerte, así que creí que el sabor se debía a la gran cantidad de café que agregaba al preparar, en parte es así, yo amo el guayoyo, ella el café negro, pero si tenía curiosidad, es decir quería experimentar de primera mano este café, pero a mi gusto, pero en el supermercado donde suelo hacer las compras no había visto esta marca, además de que consultado a otra vecina, que también realiza compras en el lugar, confirme que el café, el papel higiénico y muchos de los productos de limpieza son mas costosos allí, así que hay que buscar un sitio donde se logre mas economía para estos productos.

Ahora bien, hace unos días, tuvimos una horrible experiencia con un café del que no quiero mencionar ni el nombre, este café una vez utilizado se convierte en un pantano, es decir no se puede reutilizar su desecho para extraer todo el sabor que pueda quedarle y sabe como a chocolate, así que desesperadamente necesitábamos un café a nuestro gusto, mi esposo salió rápidamente de casa y fue a una tienda relativamente cercana y llego a casa precisamente con el café Brasil y luego de probarlo vengo a compartir con ustedes mi experiencia

Empezare por su empaque la verdad los colores no son los mas atractivos o llamativos, pero el material es mas resistente que otros que tras abrirlos se destrozan horriblemente, pero en compensación al destapar el olor del polvo te invade, así ya que allí hay ganancia y como es de esperar de inmediato deseas preparar café

Por otro lado, en cuanto a su concentración es ideal no es muy suave ni tampoco exageradamente fuerte, en mi opinión es perfecto de ese modo ya que no debes agregar café en exceso para lograr el sabor deseado, bueno eso en mi caso para los que les gusta el café fuerte es otro el tema, bueno es algo que en realidad varía de acuerdo a los gustos de cada quien, pero este café sabe a café no como esas mezclas que han inventado ahora donde los cafés saben a chocolate o que se yo, claro se respetan los gustos de cada quien, pero yo soy de tomar café en casa y si deseo alguna combinación voy a una cafetería a solicitarla.

El color del café una vez colado es marrón café. es decir, el tomo exacto, ya que he encontrado últimamente unos cafés que una vez colados parecen aguas con algo de café, agua sucia o son color chocolate y ya allí yo comienzo a tener una percepción de que su sabor no será el mejor, pero en este caso este café es de gran calidad así que si lo ven en los supermercados o tiendas no duden en comprarlo, no los decepcionara.

Gracias por leer.png

En resumen el café Brasil aunque no tiene el empaque más atractivo, lo que contiene en su interior es café molido de excelente calidad su empaque lo reseña como café gourmet 100 % arábico, no lo he sentido acido, cosa que para mi seria fatal por sufrir de gastritis, su sabor es intenso pero lo justo y su olor es fabuloso, en cada taza sientes el sabor del café, lo recomiendo ampliamente y ahora mi esposo tiene la tarea de buscarlo para tenerlo en casa siempre.

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Dividers created by @byn /Separadores creados por @byn


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With this detailed explanation, who wouldn't be curious about Brazilian coffee, I've only ever read briefly about Brazilian coffee from another article, but this time you made it clear, thank you and I'll look for it. 👌


we always want to try some other to know its quality

You are certainly right about that. I always want to try new things - not just coffee either.

I think the quality and taste of the coffee is the most important part, more so than the packaging. I'm glad this brand worked out for you 🙂


Yes, it is excellent, I really understand now why my friend prefers it over any other brand.


It's great that you can find coffee from Brasil in your country since I can imagine there might be some competition between Venezuela and Brazil for coffee.
I agree the colours might not be the most eye-catching, but I do like the lady on the package. I think it's very Brazilian.
My husband recently purchased a specialty Brazilian coffee (bloody expensive) and for some reason, the taste was not good and we had to mix it with our regular cheaper Italian mix, which made it pleasant to drink.

It's always nice reading your reviews.
Have a lovely weekend:)))


Notice that the coffee is called Brasil, but it is made in Venezuela, now where and why they came up with that name I have no idea, on the other hand I thought that only I thought the lady on the packaging was nice. Here once they brought a Brazilian coffee, I loved it, but they took it out of the market claiming I don't remember what.

It is very annoying to buy something expensive and then it turns out to be disappointing, but one can find a solution by mixing it with something we like, since it is money we can't throw away.

Have a great weekend to you too


Ah, so it's NOT a Brazilian Coffee? It's just the name Brasil?
If so, that's an odd name!


That's why I don't know where the hell they came up with that, there's a name like Venezuela, but well, there's everything in the Lord's vineyard.


I must admit that I do like 100% Arabica!
That does sound like you enjoyed that Brazilian coffee, now I need to make one:)


It is not from Brazil, it is Venezuelan, but it is very good.


Well as long as it tastes good then that is what counts :)


I have tried it, although it is not my favorite, it tastes great with a sweet bread or with arequipe.
