Family Christmas (ENG/SPA)


Family union, is one of the characteristics of Christmas, beautiful time when we want to see everyone we love, especially those close to our heart and what closer than family, those people with whom we share flesh and blood, those with whom we sometimes argue horribly, but that does not stop loving them, so I want to share with you a little of how my celebration was this Christmas.



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I always remember and will always remember, now that she is no longer here, my dear grandmother Carmen Castillo, who always told us with laughter that the baby Jesus made everyone run, that he made them paint their houses, decorate, buy clothes, food and do endless activities, all this is true and this week I could not help but remember those words.


So, this week I did some last minute shopping, which I hate, but I had to, for example on the 23rd I went out with my mother to buy some things we needed at home and some gifts, the street was crazy, but we managed to solve, so on the 24th I woke up very tired, because we walked a lot, but ready to give those final touches, as we had agreed to go to my sister's house, to have dinner with the family and return as early as possible to not leave my beloved kitties alone for a long time, as they suffer with the fireworks.


In the same way, while in this house we were fine tuning details, on that side where they were preparing dinner the same or I think more, so much so that instead of coming to pick us up they decided that it was best to send a cab to take us to our destination, they did this using the Ridery application, so at 5 pm we were already at my sister's house where the family reunion began.


Certainly and as usual with me, in this story can not miss a feline and I was surprised to see my nephew Tumi, the cat of my sister and brother-in-law who is really big and heavy, is a very happy kitten who has much, but much, patience with my great-niece Ananda, who harasses him like Elvira and he puts up with her a lot, but when he really has no more tolerance, he bites her but with delicacy as a warning, because with that size and strength if he really bites her with everything, the result would be terrible, that is where I confirm that cats know how to differentiate many things and even people.


On the other hand, as you can appreciate we had a great time, eating first some pasapalos and then the main course a leg of lamb that my brother in law prepared and it was great, I did not eat hallaca, because as I have already mentioned I do not like it, but I did eat chicken salad and ham bread that had good flavor, for not being cooked at all, something that usually happens with the ham breads that are prepared in industrial quantity, in the establishments during these dates. but as I pointed out it had good flavor and that is what matters.


As for the sharing, we had a great time talking, remembering and laughing, besides the presents we all received were nice and above all with a lot of love, we took many pictures while we were laughing and listening to music, which will allow us to relive the moment later.

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To finish, I must say that for Christmas the most important thing is those who are close to your family, your loved ones, that warmth, to see them happy and well is pleasant, it is already a gift that makes you feel good and full, the rest are details that allow you to see from another perspective the love they have for you, which makes me remember the movie the Grinch when the father of Cindy Lou Quien, Lou Lou Quien, understands what his daughter wanted so much to tell him and everyone in Villa Quien, that Christmas had become something frivolous and meaningless, to sit in the gifts and decorations, to forget the most important thing brotherly love and that is definitely something we should all remember, because life is only a moment and love our loved ones is important, because we do not know when we will stop seeing them, so I say goodbye wishing everyone a beautiful and happy Christmas in the company of all your loved ones.




Unión familiar, es una de las características de las navidades, hermosa época en las que deseamos ver a todos los que amamos, especialmente aquellos cercanos a nuestro corazón y que mas cercano que la familia, esas personas con las que compartimos carne y sangre, eso con los que a veces discutimos horriblemente, pero que no por ello dejamos de amarlos, así quiero compartir con ustedes un poco de como fue mi celebración esta navidad.

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Siempre recuerdo y recordare, ahora mas que ya no está, a mi querida abuela Carmen Castillo, quien siempre nos decía con risa que el niño Jesús ponía a correr a todos, que los hacia pintar sus casas, decorar, comprar ropa, alimentos y hacer un sin fin de actividades mas, todo esto es verdad y esta semana no pude evitar recordar esas palabras.

Asi, esta semana realice unas compras de ultimo minuto, cosa que detesto, pero tocaba, por ejemplo el 23 salí con mi madre a comprar algunas cosas que necesitábamos en casa y unos regalos, la calle estaba para locos, pero logramos resolver, así que el 24 desperté muy cansada, debido a que caminamos mucho, pero lista para dar esos toques finales, ya que habíamos quedado en ir a casa de mi hermana, para cenar en familia y volver lo mas temprano posible para no dejar mucho rato solos a mis queridos mininos, ya que sufren con la pirotecnia.

De la misma manera, mientras en esta casa afinábamos detalles, por aquel lado donde estaban preparando la cena igual o creo que ma,s tanto así que en lugar de venir a buscarnos decidieron que lo mejor era enviar un taxi para que nos llevara a nuestro destino, esto lo hicieron usando la aplicación Ridery, así a las 5 de la tarde ya estábamos en casa de mi hermana donde comenzó la reunión familiar.

Ciertamente y como es costumbre conmigo, en esta historia no puede faltar un felino y me quede sorprendía al ver a mi sobrino Tumi, el gato de mi hermana y cuñado que está realmente grande y pesado, es un gatito muy feliz que tiene mucha, pero mucha, paciencia con mi sobrina nieta Ananda, quien lo acosa tipo Elvira y el la soporta muchísimo, pero cuando de verdad, ya no tiene mas tolerancia, la muerde pero con delicadeza a modo de advertencia, ya que con ese tamaño y fuerza si realmente la mordiera con todo, el resultado sería terrible, allí es donde yo confirmo que los gatos saben diferenciar muchas cosas y hasta personas.

Por otra parte, como podrán apreciar la pasamos super bien, comiendo primero unos pasapalos y luego el plato fuerte una pierna de cordero que preparo mi cuñado y le quedo genial, yo no comí hallaca, porque como ya les he comentado no me gusta, pero si comí ensalada de gallina y pan de jamón que tenia buen sabor, para no estar cocido del todo, cosa que suele ocurrir con los panes de jamón que preparan en cantidad industrial, en los establecimientos durante estas fechas. pero como les señale tenía buen sabor y eso es lo que importa.

En cuento al compartir pasamos un rato excelente hablando, recordando y riendo, además los presentes que todos recibimos eran lindos y sobre todo con mucho amor, nos tómanos muchas fotos mientras reíamos y escuchamos música, lo que nos permitirá luego revivir el momento.

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Para finalizar, debo decir que para navidad lo mas importante es aquellos que tienes cerca tu familia, tus seres queridos, esa calor, el verlos estar felices y bien es grato, ya es un regalo que te hace sentir bien y pleno, lo demás son detalles que te permiten ver desde otra óptica el cariño que te tienen, cosa que me hace recordar la película el Grinch cuando el Padre de Cindy Lou Quien, Lou Lou Quien, comprende lo que su hija tanto le quería decirle a él y a todos en Villa Quien, que la navidad la habían convertido algo frívolo y sin sentido, al sentarse en los regalos y los adornos, al olvidar lo mas importante el amor fraternal y eso definitivamente es algo que debemos recordar todos, ya que la vida es solo un momento y amar a los nuestros es importante, porque no sabemos en que momento dejaremos de verlos, así me despido deseando para todos una hermosa y feliz navidad en compañía todos sus seres queridos.


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Own photos /Fotos propias

Dividers created by @mayvil/Separadores creados por @mayvil



Your family looks nice in health


Thank you, have a nice week, I'm grateful for stopping by to comment.


Thanks for sharing your family Christmas. I wasn't able to be with mine this year, so it helps to see how everyone else was able to celebrate together.

Tumi is a beautiful cat, love those big eyes. And it's good that he was so patient with your niece and let her know in a nice way he was ready to stop socializing.


It is good and nice that you appreciate and enjoy the joys of others, that says a lot about your big heart, on the other hand as you point out one of Tumi's attractions are his big eyes and yes he knows how to treat the girl because if he really wanted to he would hurt her, with his size. weight and strength he would easily do it. A big hug, I hope you will soon be reunited with your beautiful family, I am sure it will be a very happy moment.


We need to bond with our family more than ever before,they are all we've got.


That's right, they are our closest ones and the ones who we most support at the time of a problem, thank you for commenting.
