Important day-to-day elements

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The day to day brings new challenges, but also sometimes routine and maybe repetitive things that are usually necessary or at least important for each of us, these elements, as I already mentioned will be unique for each person, because every human being is unique.

For me an important element of daily life is personal cleanliness, it is terrible if you use public transportation, whether a bus or subway and near you sits someone stinky, I know that often there are issues that hinder this as the scarcity of water, but I think that if one seeks the means, then clean up, to be clean, presentable, fresh and not scare those around us is great.


Thinking about all this, makes me remember a neighbor I had a few years ago, a really pretty girl, but piggy, the very dirty, she bathed once every thousand years, her neck looked like tanned (accumulation of dirt) and not to mention if she removed her shoes, I'm not saying that you have to smell the most expensive perfume in the world, but leaving home after a good bath and using deodorant, is something very important to me and says a lot about that person.

Responsibility, this is another element that we must assume day by day, in everything we do, if we have a job we must assume all that it implies such as being punctual, not to be absent unless it is for a reason of force majeure and fulfill what is expected of us, even give more and this applies to many other things like, being responsible for our duties when we study, pay the bills we have pending, being responsible parents who watch over to educate functional children who can integrate properly to society, educated and respect the rights of others.


In the responsibility is implicit to pay monetary commitments such as utilities, credit cards, credits and debts that we may have with third parties this is not daily, but it is something that we must keep in mind to organize ourselves to meet these payments and not affect directly or so strong other commitments that are important.

Finally, something that for me is super important in the day to day food, food, when I see that in the fridge or pantry is missing something for my family or my cats I go into crisis, because I know how terrible it is to be hungry and as I know it is terrible I give priority to buy food for my family and for me, the reason for this is to remember the terrible crisis that happened in my country in 2016 where at first there was a shortage and then it was that the money was not enough for anything, the vast majority of Venezuelans lost weight, which was not bad in some cases, but it was in a not pleasant and quite traumatic way.


I could mention other things like keeping the house in order, watering my plants, talking with my family, but I chose the first three that went through my mind, I will leave here the lines of my participation in the Weekend-Engagement #194


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Muy cierto querida amiga, la crisis del 2016 nos hizo valorar lo más importante, la comida jajaja, de hecho, creo que esa sensación nos quedó tan arraigada en el subconsciente que ahora, cada vez que uno va a comprar cualquier cosa que no sea comida, primero se pone a pensar si realmente necesita eso y de no ser así uno se compra un helado, una torta, un jugo o cualquier cosa comestible jajaja 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's right, my beautiful friend, now you don't throw away food like before, you try to use it for something, the one who didn't learn at that moment will never learn.

Así es amiga bella, ahora uno no bota la comida como antes uno busca usarla en algo el que no aprendió en ese momento no aprenderá nunca.


Bueno, en mi casa nunca hemos botado la comida, siempre que nos sobraba algo se lo dábamos a los gatos del edificio y lo seguimos haciendo pero eso de botar la comida, no no no, se que mucha gente lo hacía con frecuencia pero afortunadamente la crisis les enseñó a cambiar ese hábito tan inconsciente 😔
