Pancho el gato, POBphotocontest (ESP/ENG)


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Los animales para mí son una bendición, así que al ver que esta semana el concurso de fotografía de la comunidad POB tenia como tema los animales más rápido me anime a participar.

Lo difícil fue elegir la fotografía, algunas muy lindas ya las use en publicaciones, pero como por lo regular pillo a mis gatos o algún otro en alguna pose digna de fotografiar no falta fotos en mi celular.

Animals are a blessing for me, so when I saw that this week the POB community photo contest had animals as a theme I decided to participate.

The hard part was to choose the picture, some very nice ones I have already used in publications, but as I usually catch my cats or some other in a pose worthy of photographing, there is no lack of photos on my cell phone.


Ahora bien, este gato se llama Pancho, es uno de los seis (6)gatos de mi amiga Tomasina, es un gato muy bello de color crema, es un enorme gato de aproximadamente 7 kilos, es grande y al mismo tiempo muy tierno su carita es dulce, hace poco mi amiga les compro un árbol para gatos y Pancho cuando se cansa de ser acosado por uno de sus hermanos corre a refugiarse en esa cueva, pero es tan grande que si se mete por completo queda un poco apretado y debe sacar su cabeza.

Al ver lo graciosa y tierna de su posición no me pude resistir y lo fotografié aunque me costó un poco ya que cuando sentía que me acercaba levantaba su cabeza y me miraba con los ojos un poco cerrados como sospechando de mí, así que tuve que usar el zoom de la cámara, pero creo que igual la foto quedo genial y capturo el momento.

Now, this cat is called Pancho, he is one of the six (6) cats of my friend Tomasina, he is a very beautiful cream colored cat, he is a huge cat of approximately 7 kilos, he is big and at the same time very tender, his face is sweet, recently my friend bought them a cat tree and Pancho when he gets tired of being harassed by one of his brothers runs to take refuge in that cave, but he is so big that if he gets completely inside he gets a little tight and has to take his head out.

When I saw how funny and tender his position was I couldn't resist and I photographed him although it was a little difficult because when I felt me approaching he raised his head and looked at me with his eyes a little closed as if suspecting me, so I had to use the zoom of the camera, but I think the photo was great and I captured the moment.

Gracias por leer dos idiomas.png

Ahora me retiro dejando por acá mi entrada para el POBphotocontest New Round: ANIMALS, un gran abrazo para todos.

Now I'm leaving my entry for the POBphotocontest New Round: ANIMALS, a big hug to all of you.


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Fotos propias / Own photos

Separadores creados por @mayvil/ Dividers created by @mayvil

Comunidades y proyectos que me apoyan / Communities and projects that support me



Click on the banner to get redirect to the server. Art made by @tripode


Art made by @oscarps

@aliento initiative by @eddiespino and @grisvisa




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Pancho's cream and white colorings are gorgeous!

Looks like he's a champion at sleeping! @actioncats👑


Yes, Pancho is a beauty and you can't see his beautiful blue eyes, he is a very tender chubby boy, he makes you hug him and kiss him soooo much.

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