Review Palo Verde Coffee [ENG-SPA]

Review Café Palo Verde.png

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Happy day, coffee lovers around the world, I am happy to come here to share with you a coffee review, I had some time without doing it, the reasons I had not found any brand of coffee that I had not tried and also, usually my husband is who is responsible for bringing the coffee home and as we married, vulgarly speaking, with the coffee Brazil, since it is the one that so far in our opinion has more flavor, so my husband goes straight to the place where he knows he will find it.

Feliz día, amantes del café alrededor del mundo, estoy feliz de venir por acá a compartir con ustedes una revisión de café, ya tenía algún tiempo sin hacerlo, las razones no había encontrado alguna marca de café que no hubiera probado y además, por lo regular mi esposo es quien se encarga de traer el café a casa y como nos casamos, vulgarmente hablando, con el café Brasil, ya que es el que hasta ahora en nuestra opinión tiene más sabor, así que mi esposo va directo al lugar donde sabe lo encontrara.


But in the CLAP bags, lately 100 grams sachets of coffee have arrived, some of them so horrible that I do not even dare to write a review, because if it is read by the manufacturer it is very likely that I will get into trouble, since my opinion will not be good at all, now I digress to explain what the CLAP bag is for those who are not Venezuelans, In the years of severe shortages in Venezuela, the government implemented a program in which it distributed first, boxes in which there were some food items that were hard to find, that program has been maintained over time and currently has included as I said envelopes of 100 grams of coffee.

Pero en las bolsas del CLAP, últimamente han llegado sobres de 100 gramos de café, algunos tan horribles que no me atrevo ni a realizar una reseña, porque si llega a ser leída por el fabricante es muy probable que me meta en un lío, ya que mi opinión no será para nada buena, ahora hago un paréntesis para explicar lo que es la bolsa del CLAP para aquellos que no son venezolanos, en los años de la fuerte escasez en Venezuela el gobierno implantó un programa en él distribuyó primero, cajas en las que había algunos rubros de alimentos de los que más costaba encontrar, ese programa se ha mantenido en el tiempo y actualmente ha incluido como dije sobres de 100 gramos de café.


Going into the matter, the coffee that I will review is called Palo Verde and my father brought it home, it already came in one of those bags, but the one he gets at work, so I took it to try it, the first thing I must say is that I liked the packaging, it seems attractive, striking although the colors are not very vivid, but the design in my eyes is.

Entrando ya en la materia, el café sobre el cual haré la revisión se llama Palo Verde y lo trajo mi padre a casa, ya venía en una de esas bolsas, pero la que le dan en su trabajo, así que lo tome para probarlo, lo primero que debo decir es que su empaque me ha gustado me parece atractivo, llamativo aunque son colores no son muy vivos, pero el diseño a mis ojos si lo es.


Now, when I opened the envelope I did not smell coffee, I felt rather, a slight smell of chocolate, but as these days I have been with an active allergy, I preferred to ask for a second and even a third opinion, so I took it to my husband and then to my mother to smell the coffee grind, my husband said it smelled like old coffee and my mother pointed out that it seemed that it had a long time of packaging, because it barely smelled like coffee, after such observations, I immediately detail the expiration date and it clearly points to September 2023.

Ahora bien, al abrir el sobre no sentí olor a café, sentí mas bien, un leve olor a chocolate, pero como estos días he estado con la alergia activa, preferí pedir una segunda y hasta una tercera opinión, así que lo lleve a mi esposo y luego a mi madre para que olieran el molido de café, mi esposo dijo que le olía como a café viejo y mi madre señaló que parecía que tenia mucho tiempo de envasado, pues apenas olía a café, tras semejantes observaciones, detalle de inmediato la fecha de caducidad y señala claramente septiembre de 2023.


The texture of the ground coffee is very, very fine, which means that after brewing it practically becomes a swamp and it is difficult to remove it from the filter, besides, if we wanted to reuse the remains to take full advantage of it, the process of the coffee maker becomes difficult because the water does not circulate easily.

La textura del molido es muy, muy fina lo que hace que luego de colado se convierta prácticamente en pantano y se hace un tanto difícil retirarlo del filtro, además de que si quisiéramos reusar los restos para sacarle todo el provecho se hace dificultoso el proceso de la cafetera pues el agua no circula con facilidad.




On the other hand, its color is not the color of coffee, it is more of a chocolate tone, in fact here is a comparison between the colors of Palo Verde coffee and Café Brasil so that you can appreciate it for yourselves, which leads to the following: its flavor, on its flavor, which for me is the determining point, is very, but very soft, we could say that it is watery, that is to say, that to achieve a strong coffee flavor it is very, but very soft, In order to achieve a strong coffee flavor it would be necessary to add several measures, in my opinion 5 or 6, or it could be taken at night so that the effect of the coffee does not steal the sleep as it usually happens with some, for me, this coffee would not be one of those that I would look for to acquire for daily use, but as each human being has his preferences perhaps others prefer it over a coffee with more body.

Por otro lado, su color no es el del café es mas bien tono chocolate de hecho aquí les dejo una comparativa entre los colores del café Palo Verde y del Café Brasil para que ustedes mismos lo puedan apreciar, lo que lleva a lo siguiente su sabor, sobre su sabor que para mi es el punto determinante, es muy, pero muy suave podríamos decir que aguado, es decir, que para lograr un sabor fuerte de café habría que agregar varias medidas, en mi opinión 5 o 6, o podría tomarse en la noche para que el efecto del café no robe el sueño como suele ocurrir con algunos, para mí, este café no sería de los que buscaría para adquirir para uso diario, pero como cada ser humano tiene sus preferencias tal vez otros lo prefieren sobre un café con mas cuerpo.

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Finally, after tasting it my husband and I decided to combine the ground coffee with the coffee of our preference, to take advantage of it, over there I have another sachet of coffee for review and I also discovered other brands that I have not tried, in a store next to the office, so I will be sharing with you some other reviews, now I say goodbye and I remind you that you are free to share with me your impressions about what is shared here, a hug and until a future publication.

Finalmente, luego de probarlo mi esposo y yo decidimos ligar el molido con el café de nuestra preferencia, para aprovecharlo, por allí tengo otro sobre de café para revisión y descubrí también otras marcas que no he probado, en una tienda al lado de la oficina, así que estaré compartiendo con ustedes algunas otras revisiones, ahora me despido y les recuerdo que están en toda la libertad de compartir conmigo sus impresiones acerca de lo aquí compartido, un abrazo y hasta una próxima publicación.


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Thanks for clarifying what CLAP means for us non-Venezuelans 😁👍
The Coffee grind looks quite fine, like it may be meant for espresso?



Hello handsome, yes the CLAP (local committee of supply and production) are something peculiar, about the coffee, maybe with more spoonfuls it tastes better, I as I was testing it I did not dare to put more quantity than I normally use with the coffee I usually use at home, it is not bad, I have had much worse things, really terrible.


Hola existen diferentes marcas de café en el mercado, de verdad que un buen café se identifica por su marca comercial el café Brasil es excelente, yo lo he tomado, el del clap es de baja calidad, no se porque si en Venezuela existen café de calidad porque no lo integran a las bolsas del clap. Al destapar el café ya uno se da cuenta si su aroma es fuerte allí ya te indica que es bueno pero esa marca no lo es.


You have said it, here in Venezuela there are good brands of coffee, but usually those that are placed in the CLAP bags are terrible, but I was surprised that in one opportunity I got Arauca coffee that although it is not the best, it is passable and in another Venezuela coffee, in fact my husband when he sees the envelope of coffee says that they sent us sawdust, hahahaha.

Tu lo haz dicho, aquí en Venezuela hay buenas marcas de café, pero por lo regular las que colocan en las bolsas del CLAP son terribles, mas bien me sorprendió que en una oportunidad me llego café Arauca que si bien no es el mejor, es pasable y en otra café Venezuela, de hecho mi esposo cuando ve el sobre de café dice que nos mandaron aserrín , jajaja



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Hahaha you know I also had the same opinion with the coffee from the clap bags, I didn't even dare to make a review because I knew it would be negative haha.

and that coffee looks good, since a chocolate flavor means progress haha, by the way is fine because it is to enhance the flavors of coffee, but coo you say that gives swampy and is difficult to wash the filter haha.


Hahaha you laugh because you have lived it, that texture of the remains of swampy coffee is terrible the water barely passes through there, that coffee of the review does not have more flavor is likely that with more cucardas taste more to my taste, but that you mentioned is horrendous.


Hello @actioncats

It's great to see you as always!
I'm happy that you explained CLAP, and I see the logic in what it was about.

That is a really smooth grind of coffee, that would probably suit a Mika pot more than a drip machine or a French press. It's interesting that you appreciate the Brazilian Coffee for it's taste:)
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg


It had already been strange not seeing you here, I was feeling forgotten, hahaha, I had to explain what CLAP is because I know that people from various parts of the world pass through this community and they are not fortune tellers.

I did not think that this texture would be better for another type of coffee maker, but now that you mention it, it is probable, so thank you for this beautiful woman's contribution, and yes, so far Brazil coffee is my favorite, it is very good, its smell and taste is delicious, because you feel that you are drinking coffee, not flavored water.


Trying the coffees that come in the clap bags turn out to be Russian roulette, some good, some not so good, thanks for your review of this brand 😉.


Totally agree because I once tried one that was horrible, that's why I said I didn't dare to write a review because I wouldn't have anything good to say, it looked like sawdust.
