That heart I broke

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Fifteen years ago or more I met who I consider my best friend, at that time I did not believe that he would become that unconditional and appreciated friend for me, the truth at that time he was marrying a young woman whom I saw born, but for some strange reason something told me that this marriage would not be what they believed or expected.

With the passing of some years I thought I was wrong, but I learned from a relative that they had problems, that did not make me happy at all, the friendship between this friend and I arose when we realized that we had so many things in common and as we were talking I presume that I noticed or made a comparison with his wife and me, and I do not know what else, but when I realized it was that this man had fallen in love with me.

The truth is that this situation was not easy, there were many things at stake, first the appreciation and friendship not only for his wife, who as I mentioned I saw grow up, also for his mother and father who I see as my uncles and have supported me in ways that only those who love you can do it, on the other hand, I just saw him as that great friend with whom I could talk about so many things, systems, anime, movies, love and passion for technology in general, weather, how stupid people can be sometimes, everything, without forgetting that he has always talked to me as only a true friend does, with the truth.


At first I thought it was a misperception on my part that it was only affection, but when this friend dared to confess what he felt, expecting me to reciprocate, it was terrible, because I felt very uncomfortable and I could not stop thinking about that young woman, her parents, the reciprocal affection and much more.

So as you can imagine I moved away for a while and it was not easy, because when we talked he let out everything he felt and for me it was something so, but so uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, he was totally clear that his feelings were not reciprocated and he even used the phrase "I fell in love alone" which I did not like at all.


But, here is where it comes the, but, human beings sometimes we are let's say that we are evil, cruel and we think in our benefit, we are selfish and although it sounds cruel I will be sincere, in some opportunities I took advantage of this friend, I asked him for example, to take me to the bus terminal that left to the airport in the early morning when I had to travel among other things, But if the time came when I put some distance for a while to disenchant him and hoping not to lose his friendship, the truth for me was not pleasant either, because sometimes I had the need or desire to talk to a friend who spoke to me frankly and I could not.

Now to finish, I can say that currently this friend is in the process of divorce and moved, we have talked and the truth I wish the best for him, so this is the story of how, without wanting to dear, I broke someone's heart, this is how my participation in the Weekend-Engagement # 197 ends.


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Original content created for HIVE/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter


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Sometimes we hurt unintentionally, the important thing is not to do it intentionally. Thanks for sharing your experience. Greetings!


Hi beautiful, I was yesterday more than 12 hours without electricity just when I was about to sit down to create and respond to comments, the power went out due to a fire in a power line.

As for the one I shared, for me it was not pleasant, it was too much, but too uncomfortable, thank God it is over, I wish the best for him and for the one who is still his wife although they are currently in the process of divorce, thanks for your visa and your support.


wow what a story O.O I think you did a good job not returning his feelings but I'm not sure how I feel about the part where you took advantage of him :x


Hello, as I pointed out, human beings are often selfish and we think about what is best for us and sometimes we take advantage of some people.


Yes I know you wrote about being evil and selfish and there's many cases where it happens in real life but I just have hope in humanity that we can let go of that


I feel sad for him.
Life can be like that at times. There was no way you could return his love because he was married.


Hello, I am sorry for my delay in responding, there were some situations that did not allow me to do so.

Now as for my friend, the truth was simply a terrible situation and as you point out he was married and not to someone unknown to someone very near and dear to him as well as his family.


Oye, es lamentable perder una amistad tan increíble por culpa del amor porque supongo que ya no son tan amigos 😕. Pero bueno, son cosas que pasan y lamentablemente, si no sientes lo mismo no puedes fingir para no herir a la otra persona 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hi friend, the truth is we are still friends, but as you point out he couldn't reciprocate because he didn't feel the same way and secondly he was married, well he is still married he is currently in the process of divorce.

Hola amiga, la verdad todavía somos amigos, pero como señalas no podía corresponder porque no sentía lo mismo y segundo estaba casado, bueno sigue casado está en proceso de divorcio actualmente.
