The world without electricity

The world without electricity (1).png

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Modern times require energy, this energy comes from different sources depending on the country and region, many years ago, in some places living without electricity was normal, in fact there are very remote or poor places where electricity is quite precarious or virtually nonexistent, but that today is a rarity. Since the big cities of the countries of the world have electricity supply 24/7, but what would happen if that ended?

I can illustrate it, since in the year 2019 specifically March 7th in my country there was a nationwide blackout, the reasons were speculated a lot, but that is the least of it, the worst were the consequences, since it lasted 5 days, in which the light returned very few hours in some occasions, and this is a representative sample of what can happen if the world would be without electric power, In the first seconds or minutes you can believe that it is something temporary, but as the hours pass the uncertainty grows and more to notice how telecommunications are out of service, especially those related to one of the main addictions of modern times, smartphones.

People trapped in the subway will be helped and all those who are in the streets far from their homes will have to walk or find a vehicle either public or private transportation to take them home, but having so much demand these will be saturated, for those who need to move and therefore many people will end up walking, not forgetting that before an event like this many take the worst of themselves and charge stratospheric fares.


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All of the above is only part of what will happen that first day, but the best would be yet to come, since in homes, since there is no electricity supply, refrigerators will stop working and there would be two alternatives to consider, the first is to cook as much as possible to consume at home and share with others (if you have a gas stove) or let the food be damaged, but as the days or hours go by it would be very likely that chaos would increase, protests would begin, looting, in short, a general loss of the known order.

This disorder will bring with it confrontations between civilians and the bodies of the different states and at the end of this disaster those who remain will have to reorganize and get used to live again as they did before the refrigerators, that is, salting meat, drying it and everything that many of our ancestors applied so long ago and that for many of us is unknown, besides hunting, sowing, in short, producing our own food.


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Now, supposing that the known states are left standing, there they could organize themselves in some way, to reestablish order and organize the population to use alternative sources of energy for what is necessary, that supposing that, because in the case of a generalized collapse of powers and states, in which we are left in the best style of post-apocalyptic movies like Mad Max or The Walking Dead, we know that the law of the strongest would apply and we would have to become tough, strong, sometimes distrustful and ruthless to survive, because the abusers would be the order of the day.

Thus, a planet in which electric energy would disappear would imply a reorganization of life as we know it, we would have to forget about technology and all that it implies, I think that on the one hand it would be good to get rid of the dependence and addiction of some equipment such as the cell phone that in my opinion although very useful has become automaton to more than one and on the other it could be a bad thing, as it could bring a general collapse of the world order as it is known and be living in an era or world as I said postapocalyptic.

Thank you for reading.png

Finally, this is my vision of what could happen on our planet if electricity disappears, I hope this entry to weekend-engagement, inspires you to leave your impressions on what is raised here in the comments box, a big hug for everyone and have a great week.


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