Teachers of those days vice teachers of now.

New things keep evolving as we keep moving to a new generation. We have come to a time and season when schooling is no more as sweet as it use to be for me. There are lots of differences. We can't compare today and yesterday when it comes to school, teachers, method of teaching, school environment and what have you.

Let's dive a little into our olden days school and schooling.
Schooling those days was notable for some of these things -

  • Teachers who are willing to do anything possible to make the learners learn. In those days we had teachers who take their job very. The see the teaching job as a calling not just a job that they do to keep body and soul together. They move from one end of the cities to the other just to make sure that knowledge is impacted on the learners.
  • Students teacher relationship. Back then students see their teachers as mini god. If we see them on our way to anywhere we feel as if we have seen the best person in the world. We had this respect for our teachers. We hardly talk bad of them. When a teacher ask you to do something you do it in a haste.
  • School authority. Back then the school authority makes sure that every student is okay and also learns. They go round and check to be sure that every teacher is doing his or her job by going into the classroom to teach the learners.
  • Provision of text books by the government. In those days the government make provision for all the text books that is needed in school. Library is also stock with all manner of books that will help the learners.
  • Upon graduation you are giving a job automatically. What we had back then made it encouraging for people to go to school because everyone knows that once you graduate, you get a job immediately.

Learning has taken a new turn now. Alot of people are no more interested in going to school because they feel that nothing is working in school today.

  • teachers are no more willing to teach the learners to impact knowledge. We have teachers who are there today not because they want to end up as teachers but because there is no other jobs to do.
  • No availability of text books. The government is no longer making text books available like before. All that they will do is to come and make empty promises that they will not fulfill.
  • Students don't have the respect that should be given to the teachers in our days. A student can just stand up and talk to his teacher anyhow and go free. Nothing will happen to him.

In conclusion, I have a Message to the whole world.
Schooling is one of the major area that builds a man to stand up and become what has been design for him.
The image used is mine


You have said it all.
No one is interested in schooling anymore. Teachers are not passionate because of so many things while the students are also exposed into making money quick acts.
It is well!


It is as if teachers found a way to be more mean compared to the old days. Nowadays It is rare to see a teacher that genuinely cares about the affairs of students, all they care about is getting paid.


Students have, over the years, lost the respect that they have for teachers. Back in the days, a child is trained by the generality of the community. Unfortunately, the present generation of parents have criminalized such. The effect is pronounced in schools.
