How to dry sweet plums in the sun and store them for several months


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How to dry sweet plums in the sun and store them for several months


Have you ever dried sweet plums? I use it for cooking and I put a few of it in the stew and it gives a very good taste to the stew.
I use three or four dried plums in the stew and they are enough

First, I wash a few kilos of plums and then separate their stems

Then I put them in a pot with boiled water and it takes three minutes for their skins to crack and they can be easily removed after cooling down.

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Beautiful dried plums

As you can see, dried plums are very good and colorful, they have a slightly sour taste, and you can even use them for snacks and meals, which are a good and healthy source of vitamins.

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Boiling plums

As I said, after washing them, we boil them and peel them
Then we spread them under the sunlight in a prepared tray and wait for them to dry for two or three days.

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grease the tray

It is better to grease the tray a little so that the aloes do not stick to it
I put them in a tray at first, but then I put them on nylon and it seems that nylon dries better, but the tray is also good because it gets hot on its own in the sunlight.

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skins crack

After boiling, their skins crack and we can easily separate them

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This looks so amazing.... These are great tips you shared
