Mysterious forest and its beauties. It felt good to be in this place


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mysterious and scary, but it was also very relaxing being in this jungle

We had some fun and exciting moments in this forest
My husband always likes us to travel a lot and see the pristine and beautiful areas

There were only two of us in the forest and due to the height of the light trees he could not enter the forest and the air was a little darker than outside.
It seemed a little mysterious and scary, but it was also very relaxing

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saw a few horses grazing in the forest

At the end of the forest, the meadow was green and we saw a few horses grazing
They were very quiet, but one of them got nervous when he felt my presence and approached me. I distanced myself from him because I felt it might be dangerous.
Watching them was busy grazing was beautiful

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dying and creating a new life again

A large tree that had fallen to the ground
Sometimes trees fall to the ground when they are over, but that is not the end of the matter
They become a new home and habitat for insects, animals and other plants, thus creating a sense of life again.

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