Be careful with your wig if your hair is uglyπŸ˜…

Hey, friends, how is everyone doing? Something happened today that reminds me exactly what happened some years ago in my town. So I decided to put it here.

I was returning from work and I found myself in a taxi with a lady whom I believe was on a taxi adventure. Haha. You will soon see why I called it taxi adventure.


I was in this taxi with none other than the town's very own fashion diva, Patricia. Now, Patricia is a student famous for two things: wearing the fanciest clothes in town and bragging about it to anyone who'd listen, often right there in the middle of the street.

On this sunny day, I guess Patricia had treated herself to a fabulous hairdo. She had boasted to her friend over the phone about the cost of it, as if her hair had just returned from a luxury vacation. To top it off, she told her friend that she had decided to take a taxi because, you guessed it, she wanted to make someone's day extra special. I prayed it was me, because if you hear about transport fare now eh? It's crazy!.

As the car rolled through the streets, a man joined the taxi. Patricia's eyes locked onto the young man's bags of groceries. Patricia, in her magnanimous spirit, thought, "I'll pay for his taxi ride. What a delightful surprise!"

With a wild smile, Patricia said to the young man, "When you reach your destination, this ride's on me." The young man was genuinely grateful, and Patricia was over the moon.

But just as we reached the young man's stop, fate had a hilarious twist in store. Patricia, ever the gracious host, decided to step out with him as he alighted. We were surprised to see her hand a business card to him. "Call me", she said. Do students print hook up cards now? Haha. He thanked Patricia and waited for her to return to the taxi. And that's when it happened – the taxi door attacked Patricia's hair, revealing that her glorious hair were, in fact, a wig. As the door closed on a part of her wig, it took off like a spaceship, exposing her shiny bald head. Haha The entire passengers in the taxi burst into laughter, including the driver and the young man. Patricia, in a futile attempt, tried to put the wig back into place, but the damage was done.

She sat in, remained surprisingly composed. As we approached her stop, she decided to check her bag for money, only to realize it was as empty as her head. Hahaha. Her wallet had taken the day off at home, apparently for a vacation of its own. She must have forgotten it somewhere, I thought. After all, she came all out to make the day special for someone. But I was wrong.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and foolishness, she confessed to the driver, "You know, I bragged about my shopping and that fancy hairdo, but it turns out I can't even pay for the taxi.I don't have money. And, oh, by the way, this is not my real hair!"

The taxi driver and everyone roared with laughter again and said, the driver said: "Well, you've given us a ride to remember today! Don't worry about the fare; the laughter and and your shame are enough payment".

Patricia, though feeling a little embarrassed, thanked the driver, especially for being understanding about her mishap. She learned a valuable lesson today – it's not about showing off but being honest. I think she also learnt to be composed and never be too hyperactive especially when putting on a wig you claimed is your hair , hahaha.

For me, I learnt no matter if anything around me goes wrong, it's okay to have a good laugh.

For the driver, he didn't have to insult the lady, but if I talk much, I might be asked if I want to pay for her, haha.

Once again for people like the lady, be who you are, be honest and not brag about what you are not. Ask for help rather than be embarrassed and be careful with your wig especially if your natural hair isn't quite what it should be. Haha

Thanks for stopping by.



Patricia allow the wig to wear her instead of wearing the wig, that's so funny, the driver took it kindly on her, that is a good thing he has done, I thought he was going to shout and embarrassed her, but he let it go, Patrica doesn't know that life doesn't needs bragging, anyone who goes around bragging would at some point knew it was wrong to say what you were not, I know this incidents is going to make Patricia to stop bragging about material things.


You are very correct, thanks for reading through. I appreciate your visit


That's hilarious, Patricia's hair did mess her up but she handled it well. Despite feeling high earlier, you didn't hesitate to drop her ego immediately after she realised that her wallet was missing.

You made me laugh, thanks for sharing.


Haha, her ego was dropped big time. She really embarrassed herself, why follow the guy out of the car?πŸ˜ƒ Forgetting wallet can really put someone in a tight corner. I am glad you came by, thanks


Hello there, friend. I hope this meets you well. Honestly, I really wish Patricia didn’t go through so much embarrassment. Don’t blame me, I’m the emotional type.

Hahah. Well, this is something excessive price can get you- nothing but downfall at last. Pride comes before a downfall, so they say.

Thanks for sharing.

From #dreemport


You never can tell, maybe students print hook up cards now, to make it more official. "still taking order" πŸ˜‚. Nothing surprises me anymore.

I really hope that after all these embarrassment, she learnt her lesson. I know for a fact that if I was in that ride,I for too laugh the girlπŸ˜‚



Patricia did well with making you people laugh. It is a good thing having a good laugh in this world we are in.

Hello dearest dreemer, happy Monday. It is start of another work day. I hope you are ready to face the world. Please do haha. I waltzed in from #dreemport for i am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.


So Patricia embarrassed herself with her messy hair, with all her ego I am glad she handled herself #dreemerforlife


Haha, she became better after the experience. Thanks for stopping by


This Adore, is very hilarious! I read the most hilarious thing ever. There is this saying on social media that goes, humble yourself so people can help you. And that is really the truth. But did she look good in the bald head? I have seen ladies pull it off.

Came in through Dreemport


Hahaha, didn't look good at all in bald head o. When she became humble, you should know she wasn't looking good. πŸ˜…. All the same I pity her when she became humble. Before then, her conversation showed she was on a high horse earlier.πŸ˜… Thanks for stopping by


Is she some kind of vulture or what, why on earth will her head be bald, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚.

So after all the whole hyping she doesn't have money in her bag to pay her transport fare, so embarrassing πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

Well, the world is full of innovative ideas that can be applied to businesses, and hook up business is not exempted from this. I guess they have decided to boast their business by printing business cards after all it is a business enterprise πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Thanks for sharing

Pop in from #dreemport


It's the fact that you didn't want to talk so you won't be asked to pay for her. Why are you so, Mrs. Adore?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

This was hilarious, poor girl. And that driver is nice o for letting her go like that.
