Monkey kola Fruit, Nursery And Normal Planting (ENG-ESP) Monkey kola Fruit, Vivero Y Plantación Normal

Monkey kola is an African fruit coming from a tall tree. The Kola is usually covered by a shell looking like a coil hair. From inside the color of the fruit is usually yellow. Monkey kola has a seed that could be seen after the yellow flesh. The yellow flesh is what we usually eat. My parents usually tells me that monkey kola is very good because it contains a lot of vitamins which helps to build the body.

Monkey kola is very common in my village Afikpo North of Ebonyi state. Before, we usually grow them around the house when development has not taking over but now, we plant them far away from the house. The best place to plant monkey kola is near a flowing river so to help them grow very fast. From the day of planting monkey kola, it takes years to grow tall before they can start to bear fruit. The only thing that will make a monkey kola tree not to stay long in growing is if the kind of its fruit planted were to be a foreign species. Foreign monkey kola fruit doesn't take time to germinate and it also doesn't take time to bear fruit as they don't grow tall.

To plant monkey kola fruit, from my own experience, I usually buy the monkey fruit from someone which I'll be there to see when the fruit was harvested so that I'll know it's okay for my planting. A lot of people use different chemical means to preserve their monkey kola fruit which normally, the fruit will not germinate.

When I return home with the monkey kola fruit, I'll use a knife to tear apart the shell which is usually in brown color. I'll eat the yellow flesh to remain the seed. The seed is usually brown in color and the shape is usually that of a heart. I'll take the seed to the permanent site where I'll be planting them. I'll make sure the land are well clear and no weed will be found. I'll use a knife to open the soil and then put inside the monkey kola seed. From the seed, there's where look like a butterfly, face the head up, cover with soil. Pour water morning and evening for days.

To get the best results of planting monkey kola fruit, it's best done a nursery from the backyard. The reason is that as they are first grown from our backyard, no harm will before it. You can later transplant.

Spanish Language Translation
La cola de mono es una fruta africana que procede de un árbol alto. La Kola suele estar cubierta por una cáscara con aspecto de pelo enrollado. Desde el interior, el color de la fruta suele ser amarillo. La cola de mono tiene una semilla que puede verse después de la pulpa amarilla. La pulpa amarilla es la que solemos comer. Mis padres suelen decirme que la cola de mono es muy buena porque contiene muchas vitaminas que ayudan a fortalecer el cuerpo.

La cola de mono es muy común en mi pueblo, Afikpo, al norte del estado de Ebonyi. Antes, solíamos cultivarla alrededor de la casa cuando el desarrollo no se había apoderado de ella, pero ahora la plantamos lejos de la casa. El mejor lugar para plantarla es cerca de un río caudaloso para que crezca muy rápido. Desde el día en que se planta, la cola de mono tarda años en crecer antes de empezar a dar frutos. Lo único que hará que un árbol de cola de mono no permanezca mucho tiempo en crecimiento es si el tipo de su fruto plantado fuera de una especie extranjera. Los frutos de cola de mono foráneos no tardan en germinar y tampoco tardan en dar fruto, ya que no crecen altos.

Por experiencia propia, para plantar la fruta de cola de mono, suelo comprar la fruta de mono a alguien a quien voy a ver cuando se cosecha para saber si está bien para plantar. Mucha gente utiliza diferentes medios químicos para conservar su fruta de cola de mono que normalmente, la fruta no germinará.

Cuando vuelvo a casa con la fruta, uso un cuchillo para romper la cáscara, que suele ser marrón. Me comeré la pulpa amarilla para quedarme con la semilla. La semilla suele ser de color marrón y suele tener forma de corazón. Llevaré la semilla al lugar permanente donde las plantaré. Me aseguraré de que el terreno esté bien despejado y no haya malas hierbas. Utilizaré un cuchillo para abrir la tierra y luego pondré dentro la semilla de cola de mono. De la semilla, hay donde parecerse a una mariposa, la cabeza hacia arriba, cubrir con tierra. Echar agua mañana y noche durante días.

Para obtener los mejores resultados de la plantación de frutas de cola de mono, es mejor hacer un vivero desde el patio trasero. La razón es que a medida que se cultivan por primera vez de nuestro patio trasero, ningún daño antes de que. Más tarde se puede trasplantar.


I have never heard of monkey kola before! I wish you had included a picture of the fruit, it would be interesting to see what they are like! Do you always eat them raw, or do you sometimes elaborate a meal or dessert with them?


You can Google monkey kola fruit to see how the fruit usually look. It's a fruit to be eating as other fruits.


Where I live I have seen monkey kola but I don't that one can actually plant it around here in Nigeria. I heard that eating the fruit helps to prevent heart from heart diseases.
