Hello everyone! How are you all? I hope you are all doing well and fine together with your friends loved ones and family.❀️

Proverbs 3:5-6

(KJV) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I always try my best to live my life according to God's will through Lord Jesus Christ, and God knows how I sincerely do my best to follow. But as a human I always admit that I am not a smart person, most of the time I also don't know if what I am doing is good or bad or according to his will. So with my little understanding, I do things with so much faith and trust in God that what I am doing is according to his will and with sincere and good intentions. But I also admit that many times in my life I always do mistakes and countless failures, because of so much confusion, listening to the wrong advice or simply not understanding, And asking for more guidance and wisdom through prayers. But I fear nothing, only Lord God, in Jesus' name. I don't know if I did mistakes or not, but what I always do is ask forgiveness from God and do my best not to do the things that offended him. To avoid as much as possible.

Being a follower of the Lord Jesus, it is bad that even if my intention is good and honest thinking that what I did is right if it is against his will, it's still bad.

As a servant of God and follower of Jesus, even if I committed so many mistakes and hurt other people, I ask forgiveness, and never again to do such mistakes. I will always do my best to live my life according to the preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible with full trust and faith in Him And that verse from the proverbs is the best to follow in doing God's will!

May God bless us all with wisdom and grant all our prayers and aspirations in life if it is good to us and according to his will!

Always keep a beautiful smile and let God be the center of life forever and always, through Christ Jesus our lord!

Thank you for reading!πŸ™

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Truer words have never been spoken, and I wish you well on your spiritual journey. I can still remember before I.'d read all of the New Testament and other parts of The Bible, being surprised by some of the verses.

I'd been challanged by someone from a different faith who mocked the section where God nordered his people to enter the land and kille every man, woman and child. I wondered about that, and asked him to allow me to leatrn the reason why such an order had to be given, and he did.

Once you realize what had been going on, you see that that order made perfect sense. I truly believe that the word is revealed to those who earnestly seek it.


-Whatever is done and written in the new testament is the best and the right one! I always remember my father telling us that if you cannot understand what is written in the verses in the Bible just think it's the mystery of God, what is important is you have faith in God, even if sometimes it's hard to understand. But I have realized so many things and learned so many lessons that every person in this world has similarities and differences as well, I learned that not because people can get along with the verses but not in everything so they can protect themself also from others' beliefs. And I understand and respect that.,

Thank you for the wish! I wish you the same! May God bless you with whatever prayers you have. Have a blessed day!πŸ™
