How far do we create our reality?


Every day we make choices that decide the course of our days, and some of those choices set the course of our lives. Do we pay attention to this?

What did you choose to do today that defined something important about your day? Stop and think about it, isn't it interesting that you created an aspect of your reality?

How you see the world and how you choose, defines your life. Some of you may think that the external also defines our reality; like a person who decides to hurt us in some way, or when a car passed you too quickly and it threw mud at you.

But it was our choice to get involved with that person in some way, right? Maybe not directly, but for someone to hurt us, we were there for whatever reason, whether it was emotional or physical, we chose. We chose to go through the street where the car passed and the consequence of that was the clothes dirty with mud, if you're lucky, only the clothes got dirty and not the face, lol

But the question I want to make you think about is here: Do you have any idea of ​​how much power you have to change your own lives? We unconsciously make choices on a daily basis, it's natural… But what if we started to consciously choose what we are going to do next? Wouldn't life be a little easier if we paid proper attention to our free will?

These are important questions… Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how I see my own life and how I create my reality. With this as a basis for reflection, I decided that I'm going to look at my life more carefully and act so that everything happens according to what I choose as consciously as I can, realizing that even things that don't happen as I desire, are happening that way so I can learn something and use it to my advantage.

How far do you believe you create your reality?




You're right, we usually play a part in chosing and our capacity to change our lives is so huge we don't really understand it. This lack of understanding and laziness to break the mold are the great draw backs in harnessing our capacity for a better life.
