The Need For Financial Literacy In A Decentralised System.

The train to a completely decentralised world is getting nearer by the day. Are we happy about it? Well! Yes I personally I'm happy about it. More and more people are beginning to wake up to the reality of a decentralised world and this gives me the chills every now and then. We all on hive or Leofinance or should I say (Inleo) have keyed to this idea a long time ago, some have keyed to it more than 8 years ago, some 5 years and some 4 years while others are just joining the trail and keying to the idea. I believe it is never late as a decentralised world offers many juicy and interesting opportunities which are available for all who are interested in it.


The decentralised system is one entity that cannot be ignored because of its effect on the world's financial system currently and even critics are beginning to see the usefulness and opportunity attached to it, thereby joining the trail as well. At the same time there are more people without the knowledge of the decentralised world than the people who know about it! So how do we get them to join the train? Because if they do, it will be a plus on our side too, as many people are involved the better.

OK, let's dive into how we need to also be financially literate to be updated on how the decentralised system works and when it continues to upgrade and change, we can also keep up and get informed. And also talk and engage about how it is important for the younger generation to get financially literate.

We need to teach the younger generation to be financially literate and we ourselves need to be financially literate, so we can empower and equip ourselves, being able to make informed and right decisions when it is needed. As we all know the decentralised world is changing and getting complex by the day, we also need to change and sway with it and also keep ourselves informed always.

Financial literacy is also very important to equip ourselves mentally for the future and secure our financial future as well. The decentralised world gets interesting and more innovative by the day, and what we all need is to keep up by equipping ourselves with financial education.

I hope you will always feel the need to always stay informed and educated, Getting this on track will be a breakthrough into financial literacy.
Share your thoughts in the comment section, I will be happy to engage.

Thanks for viewing my post and have a wonderful day.
