The Preceding Future Of Financial Transactions!

Doesn't the question of what the future holds for crypto or financial system pops up in your mind sometimes? Whether while trading or looking at your crypto portfolio or maybe when looking at a bright sunny day some random thoughts, phasing through you head. I bet it does! Right?


At the same time, do you have or found an answer to this questions as to what the future holds for crypto and the financial system?

Well I would love if you could listen to my perspective in this discussion.

The future of financial transactions!

Long before the birth of cryptocurrency, financial transactions have been in existence without anyone complaining about it but it is rather appreciated by people.

While there is nothing wrong with traditional transaction through banks and the likes, I still believe they have flaws that has been corrected by Decentralized finance(cryptocurrency).

There are many advantages to Decentralized finance ranging from the swift and effortless transactions and also the APR or APY rate is more juicy than traditional finance.

There are also disadvantages to Decentralized finance, irreversible done transactions, when you send funds mistakenly to a wrong account there is little or no effort done to retrieve it as the transaction is decentralized and will not condone any form of scams and the likes.

While Decentralized finance and traditional finance cannot cancel each other out, they can and as working hand in hand to convert fiat to crypto and vice versa.

As there is more recognition to the Decentralized world, many will come to use its transaction and at the same time use traditional finance as it has taken deep root into the financial system, coexisting together is what will eventually happen.

The sooner people umderstands this, the sooner they start enjoying benefits that the two finances have to offer.

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