RE: Staying Poor Is The Most Expensive Thing In Life


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You talk about the poor as if they themselves want to be poor. But who wants that? No one. Every one of us wants to escape poverty and scarcity. But not everyone succeeds. And often the reason is not in the person himself, as many, especially the preachers of successful success and financial prosperity, keep repeating. There are many objective reasons and life circumstances that prevent people from becoming rich, despite all his efforts and endeavors. And it is important to remain a decent person and not to lose one's soul and conscience.

I do not consider a person who gave up a Range Rover for starving children to be traumatized by poverty. On the contrary, those who buy $1,000 worth of caviar and fancy cars while turning their backs on alms to help the poor, the homeless, or the sick are traumatized.


You have a point, but don’t was not the idea of the post, no one wants to be poor.

Once again all these is due to social economic construct because we have normalized the classification of people based on the value they are worth and we have given capitalism a norm. That’s why it’s cool for someone to own money big enough to feed a nation and allow someone be so poor that they can’t feed theirselves for a day.

Did you notice this part in the post? My point is the society has normalized excess wealth to a particular person as much as they have accepted abject poverty on specific people. Which is morally not right.


And what would change that? What do you suggest?
