Skyrim Special Edition | Chapter 2: Joining the Imperials


Hello dear community, i hope you all are ok, in this chapter I will continue with my Skyrim series (I definitely love this game) testing the special edition and gathering resources to then pass it on to the mage that I will create in the future.


I arrived in solitude to enlist in the Imperial Legion, but not before witnessing the execution of the gate guard, who helped Jarl Ulfric to commit the murder and leave the city without being stopped.

I spoke with legate Rikke and General Tulio to join them, but not before helping them get a fort near solitude, which was full of bandits.


I set off towards the fort, I set up the tent on the outskirts to recover energy, it was very cold in the place which lowered my HP, I had to rest and regain strength from the trip. After eating a little and with the help of our good friend Faendal we were able to take control of the fort, saying that it was an almost impossible task with the level of difficulty: it is difficult to fall short because they, although armed only with skin, hit like bulls.


I had to kill them little by little, although I must give all the credit to Faendal, being a goalkeeper he was more of a striker than me hahaha




The camps allow you to rest and keep warm, while exploring the unknown. You can cook a limited number of meals at the campfire. Your camp will be marked on the map so you can locate it and fast travel to it later.

Here, as you can see in the blue bar, the level of fatigue I had from carrying all the bandits' armor was high, so I had to rest to recover the bar and the level of hunger expressed in the stamina, which is used for power attacks was small so I had to eat until I was well fed.

I continued my way to Solitude on the horse that I found and was able to tame some time ago, (buying the location of horses in white race for 250 Septims) to give notice that the fort already belonged to the empire and with this I was able to become part of the imperial lair by Emperor's service.



Taking the oath with General Tulio:
"We welcome you to the Imperial Legion, soldier."

Talk to the blacksmith to give me the official armor (only the shield was missing)

After going back to my house in the mountains and changing my armor there for a steel one which cost me a few septims I ran into an orc who apparently wanted a dignified death, so I decided to help him.



Passing through Whiterun in search of the Jagged Crown which is a relic among the inhabitants of Skyrim, I came across a note from long ago from the Jarl of Whiterun's own administrator.

It said that the Jarl was in danger as there was a threat
“apparently someone wanted to kill him with poison, they sent me to read the account book to observe strange movements in the poison orders, my investigation sent me to the Whiterun stables, where I could see a dead man with a note on his body ”



This took me to their base very close to Whiterun, with an arrow in the helmet and attacking me with fire and lightning, I was able to resist and break through to give them my thrust with my sword, which I got thanks to the owner of the house that I was able to obtain. long time ago.


When the bloodbath was over, I started to heal myself since I'm no stranger to restoration magic.


At the base there was a diary which the murderer told how his "bow" asked for real blood. The murderer was already in the infiltrated palace waiting for the moment to attack.



Jarl's Only Hope
A warrior and an archer.

Upon reaching the castle we began to track down the assassin, he was invisible in the upper part of the palace, it was I who launched the first arrow, but the assassin was more lethal and with his ebony arrows he pierced poor Faendal's shoulder. Without giving up I began to attack him with what I could, dodging his arrows with my great heavy armor


Even so, we were able to prevent the assassination of the Jarl and collect a generous reward, in addition I kept that bow which was a great advantage in battle.


"Ebony Arrows"

Part 2 The Champion of the Imperial Legion.


“Alexandra, a squad of Stormcloaks has challenged us to battle in the fields of Whiterun. They want us to send a garrison of our best champions to face theirs. I have spoken with General Tulio and we cannot exclude the possibility that it is a trap. After all, these traitors have shown that they don't care much about loyalty, and they are unlikely to have any different views on honor.
As you are among our most loyal warriors, we want you to take on the mission. Our blacksmiths have forged you into bespoke armor that should provide you with some protection. We'll also send a garrison to support you, but we can't spare more than half a dozen men. If a fight breaks out, you'll have to lead them.

Advento cesennio legacy.

I showed up in Solitude to claim the armor and find out exactly where the battle would be.


Once i reach Solitude I rest in the tavern until the next day.

Something curious is that they were singing "here comes the blood of Dragon"

In the morning I report to my superior to claim the armor and wield my blade in battle.


I'm ready for battle.


One of the things I like about Skyrim is the feeling of adventure and open world where you make your own legend, or in my case I just walk away from it, well guys, until the next chapter and I hope you like it as much as I do. 😁
