[ESP-ENG] 🌽Paso a Paso, Como preparar Deliciosos Bollitos Dulces de Maíz, procesado en licuadora🌽/Step by Step, How to prepare Delicious Sweet Corn Buns, processed in a blender🌽

Feliz inicio de semana amigos de Foodies Bee Hive, es un gran gusto saludarles, hoy les compartiré una nueva receta desde mi cocina, son unos bollitos dulces de Maíz 🌽, la cual se prepara con el maíz tierno, en este caso las procese en la licuadora ya que no cuento con un molino para obtener la masa, así que lo puedes preparar fácilmente en casa si tienen licuadora.

Happy start to the week friends of Foodies Bee Hive, it is a great pleasure to greet you, today I will share a new recipe from my kitchen, they are some sweet corn scones 🌽, which is prepared with tender corn, in this case I processed them in the blender since I don't have a mill to get the dough, so you can easily prepare it at home if you have a blender.


Para realizar estos bollitos vamos a necesitar los siguientes ingredientes:


4 mazorcas tiernas
2/3 de taza de leche líquida
3 cucharadas de azúcar
1 pizca de sal
1/4 de taza de harina de maiz

To make these buns we will need the following ingredients:


4 tender ears
2/3 cup liquid milk
3 spoonfuls of sugar
1 pinch of salt
1/4 cup of corn flour


Para su preparación vamos a seguir los siguientes pasos:

Paso 1

Primero debemos quitar las hojas a la mazorca, vamos a escoger las más tiernas o blandas y dejamos reposando en un poco de agua, la cual luego vamos a lavar y dejar escurrir.

For its preparation we will follow the following steps:

Step 1

First we must remove the leaves from the cob, we are going to choose the most tender or soft ones and leave them resting in a little water, which we are then going to wash and let drain.


Paso 2

Seguido de ello debemos desgranar las mazorcas, esto lo haremos con mucho cuidado con ayuda de un cuchillo bien afilado, vamos a cortar de un extremo al otro.

Step 2

Followed by this we must shell the cobs, we will do this very carefully with the help of a very sharp knife, we are going to cut from one end to the other.


Paso 3

Luego la llevamos a la licuadora junto a la leche líquida, licuar todo bien hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea.

Step 3

Then we take it to the blender together with the liquid milk, blend everything well until we obtain a homogeneous mixture.


Paso 4

Colocamos la mezcla en un recipiente dónde le agregaremos el azúcar, sal y harina de maíz, para que tome un poco mas de consistencia.

Step 4

We place the mixture in a container where we will add the sugar, salt and corn flour, so that it takes a little more consistency.


Paso 5

Luego tomamos las hojas de las mazorcas, dónde le agregamos una porción de la mezcla, doblamos las hojas, de modo que quede bien cerrado, amarramos con otras tiras de las hojas en ambos extremos, repetir el procedimiento hasta terminar con la mezcla.

Step 5

Then we take the leaves from the cobs, where we add a portion of the mixture, fold the leaves, so that it is well closed, tie with other strips of the leaves at both ends, repeat the procedure until the mixture is finished.



Paso 6

Después poner una olla a fuego medio con suficiente agua y sal, al hervir, agregar los bollitos, voltear de vez en cuando, cocinar por aproximadamente 30 minutos, retirar del agua, dejar reposar y listos para degustar.

Step 6

Then put a pot over medium heat with enough water and salt, when boiling, add the buns, turn from time to time, cook for approximately 30 minutes, remove from the water, let stand and ready to eat.


A disfrutar de estos deliciosos bollitos dulces de Maíz 🌽, la cual le agregue con mantequilla.

Enjoy these delicious sweet corn buns 🌽, which I add with butter.



Hasta aquí mi receta de este día amigos, espero les guste y lo pongan en práctica, muchas gracias por el apoyo. Saludos.

So far my recipe for this day friends, I hope you like it and put it into practice, thank you very much for the support. Greetings.

Todas las imágenes son de mi autoria por @alexanderodulfo, tomadas especialmente para esta publicación.

All images are my own by @alexanderodulfo, taken especially for this publication.


They literally have attempeted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem


Hola amigo, me encantan esos bollitos de maíz, se ven muy buenos. Gracias por compartir.
