Strange superstitions from all over the world



From rabbit's feet to broken mirrors, superstitions from around the world can be fascinating and strange. One of the most popular superstitions is the belief that walking under a ladder brings bad luck. This is thought to originate from the fact that a ladder shaped in a triangle creates a sacred shape, and walking through it is seen as a violation of this. In Japan, it is bad luck to stick your chopsticks straight into food, as the utensils look too much like incense sticks used for funerals. In Mexico, it is bad luck to have two mirrors facing each other, as this is believed to open a doorway for the devil.

In some countries, it is believed that it is bad luck to celebrate a birthday too early. In Turkey, an itchy right hand is seen as a sign of good fortune, while an itchy left hand is seen as a sign of lost money. If someone gives you a sharp object as a gift, it is thought to sever the relationship, so the recipient should give a penny back to the giver.

In Germany, it is believed to be bad luck to cheers with water, as this is supposed to wish death upon the people you’re drinking with. In Japan, it is bad luck to sleep with your head facing north, as this is how the deceased are laid to rest. In Britain, it is considered bad luck to put shoes on the table, as this was traditionally a way of letting someone’s family know they had passed away. Whistling indoors is also considered bad luck in Lithuania, as it is believed to summon demons.

In France, it is thought to bring you good luck if you step in dog excrement with your left foot. In Egypt, it is bad luck to play with scissors, as this is thought to bring bad luck. In Russia, bird droppings on you or something you own is seen as a sign of wealth. In Africa, it is bad luck to sleep with your head facing west.

Overall, superstitions vary from country to country and culture to culture, and can be fascinating to learn about. However, it is important to remember that superstitions are simply traditions and beliefs, and there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims.

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