Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with Fire & Regret


Fire & Regret ruleset



All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.

Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Ranged attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The Amplify ability increases damage.


The Battle Ruleset


Fire & Regret: All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle.
Lost Magic: Monsters with Magic attack may not be used in battles.
Rise of the Commons: Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.

This is a very low mana ruleset game and almost every color is available to play, except the Water and Dragon Splinters, so it is very important to use a decent Summoner and monster to overcome my opponent.

I wouldn't use any ranged attack monster, because of the low mana, so it was easy to counter the Fire & Regret ruleset, but the Rise of the Commons gave me a little bit a headache to choose my monster. Luckily this ruleset only applies to monsters and not to Summoners, so I had a great idea to take advantage of that.


My Team Composition


The Scarred Lama Mage is a seven mana Summoner who is one of the strongest within the Earth Splinters, because of his abilities. He gives two health to all of his monsters, but more importantly he gives the Last Stand ability to them, which means that the last monster who survives in my team will have his stats increased by 50% by the end of the battle.

He will also remove all the negative buffs as well using his Cleanse ability at the end of the round.


The Furious Chicken is a zero mana card and he is very good to fill my empty slot.


I used the Fungus Flinger who will be able to increase the stats of his adjacent creatures if he dies using his Martyr ability. This is especially good for my Flesh Golem to receive extra stats using the Last End ability on himself.


Flesh Golem will be my key monster in this battle, because he has a lot of health and the ability to Heal himself in every round. This is an amazing combination using the Last Stand from the Llama and on top of that the Cleanse ability will make sure that none of the enemy monsters will be able to switch off his ability to heal.


The Battle


Link to my battle:


My opponent brought Grandmaster Rathe who is a bit pricey with his six mana, but he also gives three abilities to his monsters, which is the Amplify to increase all the reflect damage on his monsters. The Void Armor is quite useless here, because all the magic attack monsters are banned, but the plus one armor might be good.

He tried to assemble a team using small mana monster and to attack my backline first to remove the threat from there in case I have something there.

By the third round my opponent monsters killed all of my monsters except my Flesh Golem of course who has increase hs own stats to five melee attack, six speed and twenty health, which made him almost invincible for the rest of the battle.

I took five rounds to kill their Pelacor Conjurer, because he missed a lot of attacks against him, but eventually he was dead.

Overal the enemy monsters had seven melee attack damage per round and my Flesh Golem healed six back out of that seven, so it was just a matter of time before he killed all of them and won the battle for me.


Do you like Fire & Regret? Why or why not?

I like this ruleset, because it is quite easy to counter and not to use any ranged attack monsters. The only exception is when the melee or magic attack monsters are banned completely than I might need to use some of them and take the reflect damage.

