Typical Monday food and training




today, Monday, I will start talking about my fitness journey. The past 6–7 years have been pretty rough on me, where the most has been taken by my body. Did not take good care of it, and I gained a lot of weight. Like being in perfect shape 9 years ago, with 10% body fat and nice six packs. Now I'm at 25% body fat, which by any means is not healthy. I've started to change my nutrition in the past months, as I was at 28% body fat in November. Still a lot to go, but slowly we are getting there.

I've changed my eating habits, no more fast food, and the only take on McDonald's is that I own shares there. The processed food is out and got replaced by mostly bio food. We try to buy food, that it is produced within a radius of 1000 km from us. Yes, 1000 km is still a long drive, but it is much better than buying stuff that needs to be imported from another continent.

For example, I've started the day with 3 boiled eggs, one piece of mozzarella, broccoli, and spinach.

For increasing the testosterone levels, I do eat the eggs and the spinach. Broccoli, as a cruciferous vegetable, is a super food that helps with preventing the cell damage that might lead to cancer. Mozzarella is one of the healthier cheese types, and a good protein source, but here comes the eggs again. Shall I add the nutritional values to each food?

Just remember, spinach, eggs, and broccoli are super foods and try to introduce them into your alimentation. Especially if you train, they help with inflammation, and if you lift heavy, inflammations will come.

We do also sometimes make our own cheese at home, which is as natural as possible. Would you be interested on seeing a recipe on it?

Now coming to today's training, where I will do work on the back:

  • 5 series of 5 reps of cable row with 85 kg
  • 5 series of 5 reps front lat pull-down with 75-85 kg - as a tip, never do back lat pull-down behind your neck, as you risk injuries
  • 5 series of 5 reps for each arm of one-arm dumbell-row with 30 kg dumbbells
  • 5 series of 5 reps back extensions with 20 kg weight at chest

Each sets with 1:30 minutes between them. Sets are chosen to be somehow efficient and take not too much time for this. Try always to be under an hour in the gym.

This would be a typical Monday morning meal and training. Of course, with some variations to it, as I try to increase the weight and be on the last set close to failure.

How about you? Do you take care of your body? Do you try to improve your health and lifestyle?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


One of my goals for this year is to eat healthier, I already got my weight under control but want to stop eating anything out of a box or pre fabricated, started with bread making it at home with almond flour its a lot of work for me that didnt do anything of this stuff two years ago, also try to consume less sugar as possible, at first it was hard to make it a way of living
