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about 20 hours ago
Shadow Hunters
Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest corridor between shadows / pasillo entre sombras
ENGLISH VERSION Sometimes in life, like this hallway, this corridor, we can be in an illuminated life but a moment of darkness can come, where a clear shadow of problems looms, and if w
5 days ago
Love The Clouds
To The 'Love The Clouds' Contest! celestial fish tank / pecera celeste
ENGLISH VERSION Fortunately and at the same time unfortunately, the elevator in my mother's building has already been fixed and for this reason they a
6 days ago
Shadow Hunters
Reflection Hunters Contest Baba in reflection of the forest of the heavens / Baba en reflejo del bosque de los cielos
ENGLISH VERSION Well-run zoos are an ideal way to teach new generations about appreciating and caring for nature, which provides us with many services that help our quality of
8 days ago
Feel Good
Phone Photography Contest Publicity of big steps / Poblicidad de grandes pasos
ENGLISH VERSION When we enter the business world and get a store, it is very important to know how to choose appropriately, that you are aware of being able to reach the supply chain th
8 days ago
Shadow Hunters
Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh visitors pointing in amazement / visitantes señalando en el asombro
ENGLISH VERSION In this life where every day passes between the stress that does not allow us to see the beautiful things in every corner we pass and
11 days ago
Shadow Hunters
Reflection Hunters Contest reflections of a future of success in stars / reflejos de un futuro de exitos en estrellas
ENGLISH VERSION Each country or each institution must always look for a way to stimulate optimism and encourage citizens or its members to be encouraged every day to be better in order
15 days ago
Splinterlands Social Media Challenge / Asesino serial con ESTAMPIDA, combate casi imposible de lograr es hermoso / Serial killer with STAMPEDE, combat almost impossible to achieve is beautiful
> Among the battle rules, one of the most difficult to take advantage of and see in action is the STAMPED battle rule, however finally when you manage to have all the conditions in the battle
16 days ago
Shadow Hunters
Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest the shadow of the artist palm / la sombra de la palma artista
ENGLISH VERSION Shadows are one of the best and most beautiful forms of art that the sun puts in front of us every day and also the moon and the lights of the night continue with the be
18 days ago
Shadow Hunters
Reflection Hunters Contest The reflection of the expectation of the future in the light of the possible. / El reflejo de la expectacion del futuro en la luz de lo posible.
ENGLISH VERSION An empty inn is a world of opportunities, and even more so in this black marble inn where products are created that will sustain e
19 days ago
Feel Good
Art with balloons saying goodbye to Christmas / Arte con globos despidiendo la navidad
ENGLISH VERSION The end of the month of January is approaching and there is almost nothing about Christmas, but in the last days of January before cl