A little here and there...


"People don’t take trips, trips take people" - John Steinbeck

That was what I had planned. Who knew, that the trip would turn out to be such a long one today? Maybe I was a bit frustrated with life and played for so long.
But, the brighter side is that I got to play for such a long time.

The Journey Across Midgard

After a journey with a sad end, I had to get the group's mood up. So, I decided to hunt down all the remaining treasures and unexplored regions at Midgard.

I browsed Brök's wares again before I set out for a little here and there.


The first location was a known place, we had been there a few times. This was near the bridge of rocks where the black mist originally lay. The items were not so shiny.


The next one was a bit far. This one was the Boat Captain's Key and it is located on top of the destroyed ship near one of the Gate towers.


Getting to this location was the real challenge as tougher enemies popped out one after another.


From here, I began my search for the unknown. This next one is called the Bad Options I found randomly at one of the nearby islands. I was filled with Dire Wolves.

Next, I moved to Veithungard. A completely new area I had my faith in to give me a good challenge. I came here on a request of a spirit I met back in my last post. It wanted me to take this statue in particular, another statue of Thor, down. It was Thor that had killed him and his family. So, he, somehow, wanted to get back at that God of Thunder.


I collected his buried treasure first though. It was a legendary axe pommel called Grip of Tanngiost. It has a low activation perk where an explosion of lightning would inflict shock damage to enemies nearby.


I pondered if I would do what he had asked or not. You see, I wanted to know his action when he would know I defied him. But, being a big-hearted guy in a game, I took it down for him.

And, out of pure luck, I had found myself yet another Dragon! This one was red in color.


I danced with death as it reached me with its ghastly hands with sharp nails, I somehow ran faster than its grasp and freed the Dragon.
This one is called OTR and unsurprisingly, it was also a Dwarf like the previous one near one of the Realm Towers. He had the ability to turn into an otter, hence his name. Somehow, he turned into a dragon and he cannot change back.


I wandered the area a bit more and found an opening to a cave which turned into beautifully constructed pillars below a large cavern. And at the end of these hall was a Jötnar shrine. The one depicted is known as Skaoi, Atreus tells us that his mother loved this person.


In these halls, I found another scroll. This one was written by a hunter. He tells us how his King was so consumed by what he had achieved that he didn’t care for the sacrifices that had been made. The very people who revered him, made him their protector was now celebrating the capture of a beast at their cost. The guy wanted to free the thing that his King was fond of but failed, and so he became a lowly grave digger, digging his own grave.


I found a random inscription where a fellow group of hunters had gathered for a hunt. They wrote down the number of casualties they suffered for each hunt.


I found their detailed plan of them capturing the last beast. It was… enough to make a man shudder in fright. This inscription might’ve been written by one of the commanders of Motsognir. It was Motsognir who had devised such a plan to capture the Dragon. He had lost over 40 men just for this Dragon and in doing so had lost a quarter of his people.
Even though a lot of the King’s subjects had noticed the changes, but couldn’t do much to stop him. It is amazing what fear can make people do, the king of Dwarves was also not safe from it.


I found another troll here that lay dormant in this dead kingdom. He was also captured here by Motsognir's people. It's name is Daudi Hamarr.

And so, there were no more secrets left on this island so I went back to the island in Stone Falls, back to the spirit.


I told him about his task as finished. He was content and decided to leave the realm after meeting with the real god of Thunder. Atreus deemed him a brave guy but Kratos named him a fool. A mere spirit could do nothing but die in front of a god.

In the end, I returned to Brök's shop and browsed the shop one last time before calling it a day. And yeah, his shop was a stone's throw away from Stone Falls.

Next time, we shall traverse Niflheim!


Thank you guys for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed today's adventure. See you legends on the next one!



Playing this game is quite a spectacle! I never managed to finish it because I ran out of PlayStation, good video bro! It reminded me of when I played it, greetings :D
