Kain Hace, You Better Get This Guy In YOUR Arsenal!

After a new addition in my Arsenal, I am probably the most powerful guy in the splinterlands Bronze league. A proper placement of this card and you won’t need to rely on others on the deck.



Of course, there are better monsters than him but cost wise and ability wise this guy was the best one at what it does. In the Death summoners den, Kain Hace stands out as one of the most damaging cards people have seen. And today, it proves why so.


Battle Conditions


The mana cap is 29 and every summoner was available. I chose Death summoner Thaddius Brood, the debuff on both HP and Magic damage by 1 to all enemy monsters is a huge advantage that should not be overlooked.

Battle Rules:

  • No Rules.

I am going to be honest here. No rules is probably the most riskiest mode to use Kain Hace. Let’s face it, it had low speed and low HP. So, I it can be taken out quite easily and it’s turn would come ber the end of the round. Hence, the leap of faith.


Battle Details


Let’s start off with my side:

Tank: Cursed Windeku(Ability: Thorns). This one was upgraded to level 4 but it is capped at level 2 and the summoner is capped at level 2 even though I got it to level 6.
Melee Attackers: Arachne Thug(Ability: Reach).
Blocked Attackers: Carrion Shade(Ability: Flying).
Ranged Attackers: Ravenhood Warden(Ability: Protect).
Magic Attackers: Kain Hace(Ability: Blast, Magic Deflection).

What I wanted to do was to hit him from the front with everything I’ve got. To do that, I placed Windeku at the forefront of the deck. He could cause a thorns damage of 2 to all melee attacks that wants a piece of him. The Arachne Thug would do a hefty damage from the second place, kinda like an over excited henchman in a face off. I have my Ravenhood placed in the center to make it a beacon among other monsters. It’s a well knock fact to me now, after a plethora of games, that monsters with snipe ability would almost always go for the monster in the middle of the deck, that is, the monster in the 3rd of 4th position. That’s why, I kept my treasure, my trump card, my amazing monster Kain Hace behind it. From there it could dominate the monsters with the damage and the nice blast ability. I suspected that the opposition might have a monster with sneak ability, and for that I kept Carrion Shade, the flying duck, at dead last. It was a punching bag for the opponent, a shield, to not let the enemy hit my ace.

The damage output is 9, and with the blast damage and thorns ability it was a total of 13 per round.

Now, for the opposition’s.

Summoner: Keyla Frendrul(Ability: An extra speed and shield for all ally monsters).

Tank: Oshanuus(Ability: Void).
Magic Attacker: Coral Wraith(Ability: Sneak), Riverboat Captain(Ability: Blast).
Non Attacker: Merdaali Guardian(Ability: Tank Heal).
Ranged Attacker: * Kulu Swimhinter**(No Ability).

His strategy was to hit me with unmissable attacks. What surprised me the most was that he actually had a monster that would hit me from the back with magic attack. That was commendable, probably caused me the most stress than the huge a** tank but it’s HP was same as my Kain Hace. His Riverboat Captain was a beast and should not be taken lightly, with a reduction in HP and Magic damage, he was still a monster with a blast damage. He also had a personal healer that wasn’t about to die off since I had no monster with sneak ability. And finally, the ranged attacker. This guy has a good damage and with a speed buff, he wasn’t about to miss his attacks.

His overall damage was 8, with the additional blast damage, it was 9 and a generic heal of +2 per round. Not a bad haul.


Major Events

Round 1


And what I feared most was enroute. His Coral Wraith started his onslaught from the back.


And finally, my worries were blown away as Kain Hace’s blast damage had eliminated the Coral Wraith.

Round 2


Both Windeku and Arachne Thug was getting pummelled but they kept their might as their healer continued to heal Oshanuus.


Kain’s blast damage was not enough to put it down even in the next round. I started to wonder if my tank and it’s predecessor would survive another round of attack.

Round 3


His tank was still good and young while my tank got eliminated.


And finally, even after the heal, his tank died in the same round. The damage blast took out his Riverboat Captain too. This was a satisfactory scene to watch.

Round 4


His Merdaali Guardian didn’t survive for long.

Round 5

And finally, his ranged attacker died after standing on the tank’s position like a deer in a road, frozen with fear.


I was prepared for a melee attacker with sneak ability but he showed up with a monster that was going to annihilate me from the back with Magic damage. Good thing I chose Thaddius Brood. It increased the survival chance of Kain Hace in the game. The Riverboat Captain could’ve ended my Arachne Thug if the game went long. And taking Kain Hace in games that have the rebirth or same health mode is best, that way Kain Hace could demolish any monster unit on the panel, given that it is placed in a good way.


Battle Link

Battle Link

Thank you guys for reading this far, see you legends on the next one!
