Mari Is DEAD!? | Jane Commits Suicide and Clem Is All Alone ~ Javi And Clem Fight Back | The Walking Dead Season 3

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well today.


Today, I will share the events of the first episode in which Javi and Clementine's story develops in this new season of The Walking Dead that started just a week ago.

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Last time we saw that Clementine stopped the truck in which Javi was being taken away for beating up one of the "owners" of the junkyard. She and Javi made a deal to help one another: Clem helps Javi look for her family; Javi helps Clem by letting her take the truck. They both made it safely to the woods and a settlement.

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This Time

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Clem asks Javi to make some friends, socialize, and look around the place.

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Javi checked out the bar they were in and found a man and woman playing cards. The lady asks for Javi's opinion of her cards and if she should bet on her hand. Javi asks her to call, and she calls but the guy has the better hand. She loses and Javi apologizes.

Out of the blue, chaos ensues as Clem was furious with a guy in the back. He had given Clem trash bullets that wouldn't fire whereas as per her deal, she had provided fine materials for the bullets.

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Since the guy did not hold his part of the bargain, Clem drew the gun and fired at his face. The guy did not even flinch since he knew that the bullets were duds.

The guy said that he would get her the components back but Clem made it clear that she needed the bullets. He was not budging so Javi gave him a good smack.

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Things escalated quickly and the guy drew his knife. Javi wrestled him into his seat and threw the knife from his reach. Clem told him to have her bullets ready quickly while she continued to point it at his face and accidentally triggered the gun. The shot went clean into the guy's skull.

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Tripp, the in charge of the establishment, came into the bar asking for the reason why people were shooting guns while there was a herd of zombies just outside the gates. He was gobsmacked to see a dead guy on the chair.

He asked Javi whether Clem had to shoot the guy. Javi lied and took Clem's side. He said that the guy was about to draw his gun to shoot both Clem and him so Clem shot his in the head. Tripp decided to put them both in a cage while he would decide what to do with the body.

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Javi received a small cut on his eyebrow thanks to the dead guy when he swung his knife. The local doctor, Eleanor, arrived for triage. They socialized for a few minutes where they shared their backstories and finally, Javi told her the real truth about the man dying. Eleanor was not happy since Clem was only a little girl and she killed a guy. Before, leaving she offered to help Javi look for his family. She said that they could leave the place at the very night when everyone would be asleep or he could leave for the Junkyard in the morning with a Tripp.

Javi pondered. It might be too late if he went for his family if he left in the morning, and with the horde of zombies here they might not get a chance. Clem suggested that they leave first thing in the morning and she did not trust her as much as she trusted Tripp. But, he took up Eleanor's offer and left in the dead of night.


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On the road, Clem had a flashback. She and Jane were deciding on Alvin Jr.'s middle name.

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She had 4 options, Rebecca, Kenny, Luke, and Lee. I went with Lee since it was only proper that Lee get a tribute.

Jane complained about getting the family in the house. They had eaten half of their stocked food and would soon need to leave the area.

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One day, Clem asked Jane if she had time to do some of the daily chores while Clem had Aj on her hands. She knocked on the door... no response. She pushed the door and found Jane had hung herself. Clem was in shock.

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She stepped forward and found that the pregnancy test came out positive. Clem was disheartened and sad that Jane of all people committed suicide. It was also proper that she took herself out, both of the ladies saw Rebecca losing her strength and eventually died from the cold due to improper care. Meaning, she would also have no chance to survive once she would deliver and Clem would then have to raise 2 kids all on her own with almost no food by the time.

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Clem put an end to her misery with Aj in her hands, still. A shot rang out and the crying of a baby echoed the room.

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Javi, Clem, and Eleanor went out with horses and found Mari near the junkyard. She said that they had separated since the zombies were starting to swarm. Kate was inside the truck, barely keeping the zombies outside the truck all by herself.

Clem and Javi cleared a way through the zombies and rescued Kate.

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Kate asked who the new girls were in the group. Javi introduced her to Clem and Eleanor. Once things claimed down, a shot was fired from the distance and Mari fell to the ground, dead. The shot went clean through her skull. Kate and Gabe went to secure Mari's unconscious body and it was shielded partially by a metal drum.

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Javi had to choose, whether to return fire or secure his family. I thought that the sensible thing would be to return fire while his family would grab Mari's body.

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The folks in the tall grass were not giving an inch and they had to flee the area. Javi had to make another choice, whether to stand and fight or run away. I chose to stand and fight. This would give Kate, Eleanor, and Gabe to get a safe distance from the place while he and Clem would continue the fight.

Before long, they started to push the guys in the grass. A stray bullet hit one of the oil cans on the ground and a huge explosion took out both Javi and Clem's consciousness as they fell far with a thud.

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And that's how the first episode of S3 ends.

Boy was it an entertaining season. I honestly wanted Gabe to be finished off as he was a real brat whereas Mari was truly an innocent angel. Ig that's what happens to good people at the start of a life-threatening conflict, they get wiped out first.

Gameplay Video

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed the gameplay!

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