Meeting the Mother Of All Problems, Hera | Entered The Mirror Art World | The Gardens Of Confusion


Hello guys hope all of you are doing good.

After much troubles with Hephaestus I finally moved to the garden area but to path to the garden was no easy task.


I tried loads of stuff like using the ability of the electric claws, the last smithed weapon by the smith god but to no avail. Tried jumping off in the side XD and still no luck either.


Then I reached the area where the artwork themselves act as a mirror. This part was “reflective”. Contemplative too as there were precious items hiding in the corners that helped upgrade my health and other stats.


Once that was done I quickly returned to the original path where I entered the gardens and met a drunk goddes, Hera. Her chalice was empty and she was frustrated so she threw her chalice. Kratos greeted her by not saying anything. She reprimanded about his recent actions: the god killings. Oceans engulfed and drowned the land, no more sun in the sky, what remained was dead due to disease. She tried to replenish the life of the plants but was unsuccessful. She left the place saying that she would enjoy watching him leave the place… when he becomes an old man.


Kratos picked up her chalice and noticed the gleaming gemstone. He separated it from the chalice and brought it to a position where the big statue could be seen, it’s eyes shone.


Then using the eye of the statue he had to get out of the garden but the garden was filled with such trials.

Enjoy the gameplay.
