The Magic Mirror That TURNS Dwarves Into DRAGONS! | Fafnir, The Greedy Dwarf | Give Me God Of War


Hello, gamers of Hive! I hope you are doing well in life and gaming.

Playing in this extreme high difficult for the first time is a challenge I didn’t think I would’ve faced. Normal enemies having the power of the bosses, the bosses having the power of gods, and the gods in this game have such immense high power that it’s stupendously extraordinary. And in today’s gameplay, I faced all the most annoying enemies huddled in a tiny area.


Pregame Checklists

Currently, I have enjoyed a good 5 hours of hop, skip, and jump across Midguard. I haven’t been to any other Realms yet because I want to finish this realm first. The first 2 realms where I had to travel was really small compared to Midguard, the secrets it hold is vast.

I have made myself the perfect armour and build for Kratos, even though I haven’t explored more possible builds yet, this one suits me just fine. An enchantment that has a constant HP regeneration that may stack up to 5 overtime, an armour set of the “Travellers” that increase Vitality, Strength, and Cooldown. Moreover, the Runic attacks for the axe is perfect when facing tough spots.


Today’s Game

I finally found where the infamous dwarf, known for his greed, happened to vanish according to the Dwarves legend and that too by pure accident. It was “my” greed that allowed me find him in his sorry state.

Before we get to the juicy part, let’s start from the beginning.


The journey started from the Witch’s Cave, underground. I came back here in the last time I had played. I wanted to collect all the remaining chests.


But, as it would happen, there were still a few chests that couldn’t be unlocked. The other ones gave me a good loot, especially this one. But, this move wasn’t that good, not as much as the wolves which I am currently using.

After finding no more stuff to loot, I set out the boat further underground. Before we got here, Kratos and the gang heard rumbles, as the horn was blown, someone had called the World Serpent. It shifted again and this time as the river that had flown further below the underground.

From there, I set out for Tyr’s Temple, replenished my resurrection stones and got out from there for yet another adventure.

I remembered that there was one such beach that I still didn’t explore, it was located beside one of the realm towers, adjacent with the Bridge.


So, I snaked my way there and found the place. I spotted the beach point and quickly headed down.

I climbed the storey of rocks and opened the metallic door.


Lo’ and Behold, the dragon was in the distant. Mimir told us that this dragon once used to be the Dwarf that went by the name of Fafnir. He got turned into a dragon.


I stepped inside and found a small opening on the right side, like the beginning of a small cave. I went inside and found one of the “Travellers”! With him, there were 2 Vikens that would heal themselves as soon as they stop receiving damage.


It took me a good number of times to reduce the Traveller into gemstones. I, somehow, managed to separate the Viken from this guy and unleashed all the moves on him, along with the rage mode and the resurrection stone.


But, I instantly regretted it when I went downward. Just behind the chains there spawned 3 more enemies, one of them was a Raven. And if you guys don’t know, my nightmare consists of 2 enemies: Ravens and Wulvers. Now, I had no rage mode nor the resurrection stone available so this fight was very difficult to begin with.


After a few disastrous efforts, I stepped back and thought out my strategy. I remembered that I needed just a few mats on the travellers armour to craft the famed armour.


The first thing I did was get back to Tyr’s temple and replenished the stone.


I crafted the Travelled’s Chest armour. The special thing about this one was that it favoured Vitality, the one thing that I NEED in this monstrous mode was this perk.


The, I had to fill up my Rage mode now. So, I started to track Sindri’s request for the whetstone. The marker took me to the area that was just beside the dragon area, the path underneath the two statues. There, I found this new area.


Fortunately, this one had a spirit that wanted my help. He wanted to restore his beloved’s bones in one place and in return his love would grant the Kratos anything they would desire, even talking with the deceased.

So, Atreus and Kratos took it. Kratos repeatedly told the little boy that these spirits were profound liars and they should not trust them. Atreus, however, was keeping his hope up. The boy was excited to talk with his mother, one last time. But, I didn’t start this favour because I had to finish the search for the whetstone first.


Enemies started to pour in as we took up the contract. The fight was easy, didn’t take much to reduce the Ogre into its base components.


I followed the waypoint and it led me to an underground tunnel system that was controlled by these Draugrs. I killed them and started to explore the cave and out of sheer luck, I found a treasure lying about. This was from the Finder’s Fee treasure map which I didn’t even know I had.


From there, I continued in the direction it had showed me and found another set of monsters which were also easy to take down but the battle was a drawn out one.


The way of life in the olden times for the people in Midguard. Harsh but prideful.


The place we finally reached, the ship where the whetstone was going be to found. The one in the right, who was impaled with a few machetes looked like he had suffered a bad death. Nobody cared for him, not a soul, stuck down there where nobody knew he existed.

Kratos was looking for evidence. He found 4 bodies, each one’s head was severed. Then, he came to the conclusion that this poor soul must’ve been the the man we were tasked to find out in the previous episode by one of the spirits who was stabbed in the back at Fafnir’s Storeroom.


The extrapolation was kept to a halt as another Traveller had made himself known with a few Draugrs. The battle was swift and my Rage mode was filled at last.


We found an epic talisman. This talisman was supposedly like the Infinity Gauntlet of Thanos, it could hold many enchantments at a time.


Kratos found the dying message of the person on the ship. In there, he explained why he had decided to kill his father. In his final moments, he regretted his actions.


Kratos explained to Atreus why thinking things over was necessary. “He did something he did not think through, he regretted his actions and finally got himself killed”, said Kratos. Atreus only listened in silence. So now, I had yet another quest to fill, to let the man at Fafnir’s Storeroom know that his son had died, regretting his actions but, fortunately, Kratos found the whetstone.

And finally, after finding his shrine of confession I decided to keep the game at bay while I would venture into the real world.


Gameplay Link

Gameplay Footage

Thank you guys for reading so far, I hope you enjoyed the gameplay. See you legends on the next one!

