La voz cantante WEEK #51 / The Bard's Song / Cover (Español/Ingles)


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Un saludo amistoso queridos Hivers, nuevamente me encuentro rockeando con ustedes en esta bella comunidad. En esta ocasión quiero compartirles un fragmento de una de mis canciones favoritas de metal en acústico. Se trata de “The Bard's Song” una de las canciones más conocidas y queridas de la tremenda agrupación alemana de power metal Blind Guardian.

Conocí esta canción cuando estaba bastante joven, desde entonces me gusto tremendamente. Aunque creo que Blind Guardian es una banda maravillosa, no la considero una de mis favoritas, de hecho esta es la única de sus canciones que escucho con frecuencia. Por otra parte la voz de Hansi Kürsch es una de las que me resulta más atractiva en el Power Metal.

Creo que lo que hace tan especial esta canción, es que dignifica a los músicos y les da ese lugar de contadores de historias. Los músicos son los bardos de la actualidad, son capas de inmortalizar canciones, de hacer llegar sus historias a todo el mundo. Aunque las bandas desaparezcan, o cambien sus miembros, incluso si estos fallecen, las canciones permanecen vivas, llenas de historias, de personajes reales o mágicos, de lugares y hechos a los que podemos escapar cuando queramos.

Espero mi versión les guste, es un fragmento corto porque el resto de la canción es bastante complejo para mí. Sin embargo me siento muy orgullosa de poder tocar este fragmento, ya que durante un tiempo pensar en tocar este tipo de canción me habría resultado imposible.


Now you all know
The bards and their songs
When hours have gone by
I'll close my eyes
In a world far away
We may meet again
But now hear my song
About the dawn of the night
Let's sing the bard's song

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
No one will ever know our names
But the bard's songs will remain
Tomorrow will take it away
The fear of today
It will be gone
Due to our magic songs

There's only one song
Left in my mind
Tales of a brave man
Who lived far from here
Now the bard songs are over
And it's time to leave
No one should ask you for the name
Of the one
Who tells the story

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
No one will ever know our names
But the bard's songs will remain
Tomorrow all will be known
And you're not alone
So don't be afraid
In the dark and cold
'Cause the bard's songs will remain
They all will remain

In my thoughts and in my dreams
They're always in my mind
These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
And elves
Come close your eyes
You can see them too.


Contenido original del autor.
Fotos propias desde mi Tableta ZTE E10Q
Traducido con
Todos los derechos reservados || @aly.squid// 2023

The Singing Voice WEEK #51 / The Bard's Song / Cover (English/Spanish)

A friendly greeting dear Hivers, once again I find myself rocking with you in this beautiful community. On this occasion I want to share with you a snippet of one of my favorite acoustic metal songs. It is "The Bard's Song" one of the most known and loved songs of the tremendous German power metal band Blind Guardian.

I knew this song when I was quite young, since then I liked it tremendously. Although I think Blind Guardian is a wonderful band, I don't consider them one of my favorites, in fact this is the only one of their songs that I listen to frequently. On the other hand Hansi Kürsch's voice is one of the most appealing to me in Power Metal.

I think what makes this song so special is that it dignifies the musicians and gives them that place as storytellers. Musicians are the bards of today, they are able to immortalize songs, to get their stories out to the world. Even if the bands disappear, or change their members, even if they die, the songs remain alive, full of stories, of real or magical characters, of places and events that we can escape to whenever we want.

I hope you like my version, it is a short fragment because the rest of the song is quite complex for me. However I feel very proud to be able to play this fragment, because for a while thinking about playing this kind of song would have been impossible for me.


Now you all know
The bards and their songs
When hours have gone by
I'll close my eyes
In a world far away
We may meet again
But now hear my song
About the dawn of the night
Let's sing the bard's song

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
No one will ever know our names
But the bard's songs will remain
Tomorrow will take it away
The fear of today
It will be gone
Due to our magic songs

There's only one song
Left in my mind
Tales of a brave man
Who lived far from here
Now the bard songs are over
And it's time to leave
No one should ask you for the name
Of the one
Who tells the story

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
No one will ever know our names
But the bard's songs will remain
Tomorrow all will be known
And you're not alone
So don't be afraid
In the dark and cold
'Cause the bard's songs will remain
They all will remain

In my thoughts and in my dreams
They're always in my mind
These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
And elves
Come close your eyes
You can see them too.


Original content by the author.
Own photos from my ZTE E10Q Tablet.
Translated with
All rights reserved || @aly.squid// 2022

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Bienvenida a la semana número 51 de nuestro pukuconcurso, wooow de verdad que me dejas sorprendida por el talento que tienes y por tu destreza a este hermoso instrumento como lo es la guitarra acústica, debo felicitarte por qué lo haces muy bien... Un fuerte abrazo y muchas gracias por tu participación 🤟🔥🤟


Muchas gracias querida, es un placer para mi compartir con ustedes. Agradecida con tus bellas palabras!!!


Yeah I think I love your version of this song. You're doing just very well with your song, good job dear friend.

Keep up the good work. 👍


Thank you very much friend for visiting my post.


Acoustic metal wow that are new concept for me and it's nice to hear you play...... Bravo


I'm glad you'll like it. Thanks friend for visiting my post.
