When the Darkness Resided in Me

Rejection is something all of us would have gone through at one point of our lives or another. In one form or another. The feeling of being rejected always gives us negative emotions. It’s another thing how prolonged their existence can be. Sometimes, rejection leaves us with more consequences; at other times, with more lessons. Sometimes the rejection overwhelms us ,at other times we learn to land above the tumbled expectations.

However, rejection is not always that lurid and conspicuous. Instead, sometimes it is quite subtle and abstruse. Such a rejection doesn’t bring negative consequences at once. Nor one or a couple of incidences are enough to display the impact. Nevertheless, if we have been rejected in the same way over and over again, the subtle form of rejection is more dangerous than being rejected altogether straight away. It is like slow poisoning making you feel more nugatory and weaker each passing day.

This kind of rejection is a case in close relationship- the ones from which there is no escape. Ironically, they accept you as their integral part. They never want to quit you. They claim to love you. In fact, they do. They care for you, but………….in the way they think is the best. They refuse to understand your uniqueness. Their eyes do not see the needs behind your wishes. There ears are shut for the moaning of your sobbing desires.

Mostly, such a rejection does not transpire with an intention to reject but it either ensues out of ignorance of your needs or simply because the other person fails to understand what and why matters to you.

I don’t remember if I have ever been rejected straight away, but yes, I have faced this other form of rejection. It was like my whole personality has been infected. Like there is a termite on the wood which slowly and gradually make you hollow from the inside.

When I encountered the oafish rejection of my benign and rightful desires time and again, a fear developed in me. The fear of being rejected. I started to avoid expressing my wishes because every time when my demands dismissed without giving any importance, I felt worthless. To avoid these feelings of worthlessness, I adopted the method of keeping my feelings and wants to my own self. Enclosed in a shell.

The memories of rejection and the fear of being rejected while your hankerings are alive in your heart is painful and emotionally draining. I felt the immense pain. To keep my sanity intact I had to do something and what I did…….. I killed the feelings. I no longer felt hurt. There was no pain anymore; but it was not merely the pain that eroded. All the emotions were abraded. There was no sensation for happiness or sadness, no anger or pleasure. Nothing at all. I had become emotionally blank. It was like total darkness.

This is perhaps the state what is called apathy. You become stone hearted for your own self let alone others. I had become one. I was devalued in my own sight. My wishes, my desires, my wants had become worthless for me. In fact, I started feeling like I was a culprit having them in my heart. I became a person with low self-esteem and shattered self-image.

All this doesn’t mean that my life or the relationship had nothing to appreciate. It certainly had but I was no longer able to feel the pleasure. My feelings were dead. And this all was due to subtle rejection. The actual rejection was merely the initiator. The real culprit was the fear of being rejected that inculcated in my heart.

How I regained my self-esteem and emotional sensation back is a long story with multiple stages. Some fireflies were sent to my way. Some miracles happened. Some doors were opened. At this point, the more important thing to know is that what I learned after coming out of that horrible phase.

I have got the realization that we all are humans. Our loved ones and significant others may reject our wishes simply because they do not have the understanding of what may be important for us. It is only God who knows us the best. Firstly, pray to Him for opening up ways to you and give you peace. Secondly, it is important to not devalue yourself because someone else is not giving you the value. Thirdly, keep on expressing your self and presenting your demands in different ways. Silence only create distances while conversation makes the partners understand each other despite primary difference.

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Rejection can be really traumatic at extreme cases


I'm glad to read you came out of it... Thank you for sharing how you did it. I was there too sometime ago and it was really ugly.


It is good to know ma'am that you also managed to get out of it


-Awesome post Sis! Misunderstandings can kill any form of relationship..have a blessed morning!🌷


Misunderstandings are a poison.

Thanks for stopping by


I felt your pain while having this read, the fear of being rejected which had made you kill the desire for your wants.. It hurts badly that it brought in blankness, thanks for sharing.


can you tell when my smile spread across my face? hehehe and became so huge that my cheeks hurt? do you know where that happened? hehehehe

of course you know LOL

I was sad but happy reading this. Because I knew that this was past tense. And I knew that you were no longer this. But sad because you WERE this.

But - I think that is what connected us. Because I saw and recognized the same in you that was in me. And doesn't that make us even more connected? and won't it make you even better to reach someone in the future - when you recognize that same hollow in them?

we wouldn't choose this path. but God has chosen this path for us for specific reasons, for His reasons, and for the reasons that will be good for us - in the end. (and probably help others along the way)

and who knows how this post here might even connect with others? and how you can share those same little glowing insects with them. hehehehe (you know the ones LOL)

I'm just happy now that you know where your worth truly lies. in His eyes. and that's all that matters - that you believe Him when He says that you are precious and worthy and unique and gifted and blessed and EXACTLY what He made you to be - so be courageous - and share who you are. don't hide anything. share.

don't share to be accepted.
share because you were made to share your gifts - and do so for the joy in HIM!

I LOVE YOU so happy that you were my last post from DreemPort today heheeh


I know where would have smiled. But do you know where the tears came in my eyes reading this comment? You can.

Those little insects. I have always loved them. They are akin to hope.

Pains make us closer. Perhaps, this is the reason GOD has created sufferings-to make humans understand the reason of their creation. Helping others.

I had no intention sharing those things with you but I did, and I am happy I did. You are amazingly blessed with a loving heart.


This shell that you mention, which leaves us blank, without feeling anything, I understand that it is a protective measure so that we do not get hurt, but in the end it harms us a lot.


Yes, the harm brought by this protective action is sometimes very drastic.

Thanks for stopping by


Getting rejected stays with you for a long time, and you can't help but to remember it. But then, we just have to find a way to move on with our lives. That is what is more important.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


Sometimes we are so stuck with that rejection but yes, we should try to come out as soon as we can.

Thanks for stopping by


I love you, Sis. I do hope that one day those who choose to make protective decisions for what they perceive and deem to be for your own good, are able to see that you are an incredibly intelligent and strong woman, very capable of making wise decisions in the world - ones that will enable you more fully to be seen and heard, to live and breathe your passions, and to share your joy and beauty with others around you. It makes me happy that you are able to write so openly about your past and present. May God continue to guide and bless you, and to bring you great joy. !LUV !ALIVE !PIZZA



Hehe. Honestly speaking, Sam, what I have understood so far is that the more important thing I need to attain is the ability to appreciate myself. When people have different mindsets, it is very unlikely that they would be able to understand you fully. However, we can learn to accept and respect the differences.

Thanks for the boost !LADY


I felt your heart in this, @amberkashif, as you shared such a powerful message with such deep compassion. I'm glad you were able to move through the blankness and find your strength. You are someone who understands courage. 💛


You are someone who understands courage.

I am not sure for this, Julia. At least, I am someone who understands pain


Did you feel vulnerable when you wrote this? If so, you are courageous. 💛


Congratulations on your fresh start ♥️ I pray that your journey of enjoying every minute lasts for a very long lifetime :)



I appreciate you, Amber. :D
I've enjoyed all of our conversations. ;)
May the Creator of heaven and earth bless you greatly.🙏

