I have painted the sky so beautiful, this canvas is truly magnificent

I have painted the sky so beautiful, this canvas is truly magnificent.

The colors are so bright, vivid and wonderful!

Standing there, without any brush or colours in my hand, I could paint the huge canvas, with my sheer imagination and amazing thoughts!

The marvelous brush strokes did their amazing job to paint the Sky...

I wish I could freeze frame forever, but then realize, let the creative juices flow and with another day, another moment, there will be another beautiful painting happening on this Ginormous canvas! Which is limitless without any boundaries!!!

Paint it orange, paint it red, paint it yellow or purple... It will come outstanding... absolutely!

By the seaside, on the horizon, where the two meet, makes my moment of joy!

Though i have captured this magnificent moment, but the same canvas might not be the same the very next moment!


The fantastic moment of joy... forever!!!

Thank you!
