Grateful Every Time

Gratitude is not only when we get sustenance, but when we are in trouble we must also be grateful, because God deliberately tests us and God still loves us his people. When there are difficulties, it means that we still remember Allah.


How much sustenance we get, we must be grateful and it is ours. And when other people get more than us, we shouldn't be jealous of what they get.

We must give thanks to the Creator every day and every time, because if we are still today we must be grateful. With gratitude, our lives will be calm and life will feel meaningful.


Be grateful when we experience difficulties, because with gratitude from these difficulties we will be given ease in these difficulties. No matter how difficult the difficulties we get, there must be a way out and Allah will not give difficulties above the ability of humans.

Most of us are grateful when we get blessings and are never grateful when difficulties come. We should be grateful when we receive blessings and be grateful when difficulties come.


A person who is often grateful will make his life more blessed. And grateful people will receive whatever sustenance they get today and they will not complain if they get a little sustenance today than yesterday. Maybe this is already a fortune.


Don't always complain when you get today's sustenance from the sustenance you got from yesterday. Because not necessarily other people get sustenance like we get today. The fact is that people around us are wrong in implementing the meaning of gratitude.

The sustenance we get today is not as much as other people get, but we must remain grateful. Because from the grateful race, it will bring its own blessings to us. And we will always feel rich even though we live in simplicity.



